46 postsarXiv:2404.05602v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The escalating sophistication and volume of cyber threats in cloud environments necessitate a paradigm shift in strategies. Recognising the need for an automated and precise response to cyber threats, this research explores the application of AI and ML and proposes an AI-powered cyber incident response system for cloud environments. This system, encompassing Network Traffic Classification, Web Intrusion Detection, and post-incident Malware Analysis (built as a Flask application), achieves seamless integration across platforms like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. The findings from this research highlight the effectiveness of the Random Forest model, achieving an accuracy of 90% for the Network Traffic Classifier and 96% for the Malware Analysis Dual Model application. Our research highlights the strengths of AI-powered cyber security. The Random Forest model excels at classifying cyber threats, offering an efficient and robust solution. Deep learning models significantly improve accuracy, and their resource demands can be managed using cloud-based TPUs and GPUs. Cloud environments themselves provide a perfect platform for hosting these AI/ML systems, while container technology ensures both efficiency and scalability. These findings demonstrate the contribution of the AI-led system in guaranteeing a robust and scalable cyber incident response solution in the cloud.
arXiv:2501.06921v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This work presents a novel monolithic 3D (M3D) FPGA architecture that leverages stackable back-end-of-line (BEOL) transistors to implement configuration memory and pass gates, significantly improving area, latency, and power efficiency. By integrating n-type (W-doped In_2O_3) and p-type (SnO) amorphous oxide semiconductor (AOS) transistors in the BEOL, Si SRAM configuration bits are substituted with a less leaky equivalent that can be programmed at logic-compatible voltages. BEOL-compatible AOS transistors are currently under extensive research and development in the device community, with investment by leading foundries, from which reported data is used to develop robust physics-based models in TCAD that enable circuit design. The use of AOS pass gates reduces the overhead of reconfigurable circuits by mapping FPGA switch block (SB) and connection block (CB) matrices above configurable logic blocks (CLBs), thereby increasing the proximity of logic elements and reducing latency. By interfacing with the latest Verilog-to-Routing (VTR) suite, an AOS-based M3D FPGA design implemented in 7 nm technology is demonstrated with 3.4x lower area-time squared product (AT^2), 27% lower critical path latency, and 26% lower reconfigurable routing block power on benchmarks including hyperdimensional computing and large language models (LLMs).
arXiv:2501.06306v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Being widely adopted by the transportation and planning practitioners, the fundamental diagram (FD) is the primary tool used to relate the key macroscopic traffic variables of speed, flow, and density. We empirically analyze the relation between vehicular space-mean speeds and flows given different signal settings and postulate a parsimonious parametric function form of the traditional FD where its function parameters are explicitly modeled as a function of the signal plan factors. We validate the proposed formulation using data from signalized urban road segments in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The proposed formulation builds our understanding of how changes to signal settings impact the FDs, and more generally the congestion patterns, of signalized urban segments.
arXiv:2501.06334v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Employing wireless systems with dual sensing and communications functionalities is becoming critical in next generation of wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a robust design for over-the-air federated edge learning (OTA-FEEL) that leverages sensing capabilities at the parameter server (PS) to mitigate the impact of target echoes on the analog model aggregation. We first derive novel expressions for the Cramer-Rao bound of the target response and mean squared error (MSE) of the estimated global model to measure radar sensing and model aggregation quality, respectively. Then, we develop a joint scheduling and beamforming framework that optimizes the OTA-FEEL performance while keeping the sensing and communication quality, determined respectively in terms of Cramer-Rao bound and achievable downlink rate, in a desired range. The resulting scheduling problem reduces to a combinatorial mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP). We develop a low-complexity hierarchical method based on the matching pursuit algorithm used widely for sparse recovery in the literature of compressed sensing. The proposed algorithm uses a step-wise strategy to omit the least effective devices in each iteration based on a metric that captures both the aggregation and sensing quality of the system. It further invokes alternating optimization scheme to iteratively update the downlink beamforming and uplink post-processing by marginally optimizing them in each iteration. Convergence and complexity analysis of the proposed algorithm is presented. Numerical evaluations on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. The results show that by leveraging accurate sensing, the target echoes on the uplink signal can be effectively suppressed, ensuring the quality of model aggregation to remain intact despite the interference.
arXiv:2501.06887v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: As deep learning models gain attraction in medical data, ensuring transparent and trustworthy decision-making is essential. In skin cancer diagnosis, while advancements in lesion detection and classification have improved accuracy, the black-box nature of these methods poses challenges in understanding their decision processes, leading to trust issues among physicians. This study leverages the CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) model, trained on different skin lesion datasets, to capture meaningful relationships between visual features and diagnostic criteria terms. To further enhance transparency, we propose a method called MedGrad E-CLIP, which builds on gradient-based E-CLIP by incorporating a weighted entropy mechanism designed for complex medical imaging like skin lesions. This approach highlights critical image regions linked to specific diagnostic descriptions. The developed integrated pipeline not only classifies skin lesions by matching corresponding descriptions but also adds an essential layer of explainability developed especially for medical data. By visually explaining how different features in an image relates to diagnostic criteria, this approach demonstrates the potential of advanced vision-language models in medical image analysis, ultimately improving transparency, robustness, and trust in AI-driven diagnostic systems.
arXiv:2501.06526v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems are poised to revolutionize next-generation wireless networks by enabling simultaneous sensing and communication (S\&C). This survey comprehensively reviews UAV-ISAC systems, highlighting foundational concepts, key advancements, and future research directions. We explore recent advancements in UAV-based ISAC systems from various perspectives and objectives, including advanced channel estimation (CE), beam tracking, and system throughput optimization under joint sensing and communication S\&C constraints. Additionally, we examine weighted sum rate (WSR) and sensing trade-offs, delay and age of information (AoI) minimization, energy efficiency (EE), and security enhancement. These applications highlight the potential of UAV-based ISAC systems to improve spectrum utilization, enhance communication reliability, reduce latency, and optimize energy consumption across diverse domains, including smart cities, disaster relief, and defense operations. The survey also features summary tables for comparative analysis of existing methodologies, emphasizing performance, limitations, and effectiveness in addressing various challenges. By synthesizing recent advancements and identifying open research challenges, this survey aims to be a valuable resource for developing efficient, adaptive, and secure UAV-based ISAC systems.
arXiv:2501.06780v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Recently, crossbar array based in-memory accelerators have been gaining interest due to their high throughput and energy efficiency. While software and compiler support for the in-memory accelerators has also been introduced, they are currently limited to the case where all weights are assumed to be on-chip. This limitation becomes apparent with the significantly increasing network sizes compared to the in-memory footprint. Weight replacement schemes are essential to address this issue. We propose COMPASS, a compiler framework for resource-constrained crossbar-based processing-in-memory (PIM) deep neural network (DNN) accelerators. COMPASS is specially targeted for networks that exceed the capacity of PIM crossbar arrays, necessitating access to external memories. We propose an algorithm to determine the optimal partitioning that divides the layers so that each partition can be accelerated on chip. Our scheme takes into account the data dependence between layers, core utilization, and the number of write instructions to minimize latency, memory accesses, and improve energy efficiency. Simulation results demonstrate that COMPASS can accommodate much more networks using a minimal memory footprint, while improving throughput by 1.78X and providing 1.28X savings in energy-delay product (EDP) over baseline partitioning methods.
arXiv:2501.06479v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper contains information about the universal shift register. In the early stages of this paper, this paper introduces different types of flip flops and calculates the delay. After that, different types of flip flops are used to make a universal shift register, and the high-speed universal shift register is measured using a timing diagram. In addition, a complete memory system was designed at the end of this paper. A universal shift register with 4-bit Alu was added to complete the memory system. As a result, this method has created an accurate memory storage device with high-speed characteristics.
arXiv:2408.01999v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: This research focused on enhancing post-incident malware forensic investigation using reinforcement learning RL. We proposed an advanced MDP post incident malware forensics investigation model and framework to expedite post incident forensics. We then implement our RL Malware Investigation Model based on structured MDP within the proposed framework. To identify malware artefacts, the RL agent acquires and examines forensics evidence files, iteratively improving its capabilities using Q Table and temporal difference learning. The Q learning algorithm significantly improved the agent ability to identify malware. An epsilon greedy exploration strategy and Q learning updates enabled efficient learning and decision making. Our experimental testing revealed that optimal learning rates depend on the MDP environment complexity, with simpler environments benefiting from higher rates for quicker convergence and complex ones requiring lower rates for stability. Our model performance in identifying and classifying malware reduced malware analysis time compared to human experts, demonstrating robustness and adaptability. The study highlighted the significance of hyper parameter tuning and suggested adaptive strategies for complex environments. Our RL based approach produced promising results and is validated as an alternative to traditional methods notably by offering continuous learning and adaptation to new and evolving malware threats which ultimately enhance the post incident forensics investigations.
arXiv:2105.11233v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Deep learning, a multi-layered neural network approach inspired by the brain, has revolutionized machine learning. One of its key enablers has been backpropagation, an algorithm that computes the gradient of a loss function with respect to the weights and biases in the neural network model, in combination with its use in gradient descent. However, the implementation of deep learning in digital computers is intrinsically energy hungry, with energy consumption becoming prohibitively high for many applications. This has stimulated the development of specialized hardware, ranging from neuromorphic CMOS integrated circuits and integrated photonic tensor cores to unconventional, material-based computing system. The learning process in these material systems, realized, e.g., by artificial evolution, equilibrium propagation or surrogate modelling, is a complicated and time-consuming process. Here, we demonstrate a simple yet efficient and accurate gradient extraction method, based on the principle of homodyne detection, for performing gradient descent on a loss function directly in a physical system without the need of an analytical description. By perturbing the parameters that need to be optimized using sinusoidal waveforms with distinct frequencies, we effectively obtain the gradient information in a highly robust and scalable manner. We illustrate the method in dopant network processing units, but argue that it is applicable in a wide range of physical systems. Homodyne gradient extraction can in principle be fully implemented in materia, facilitating the development of autonomously learning material systems.
arXiv:2411.05622v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The User-Managed Access (UMA) extension to OAuth 2.0 is a promising candidate for increasing Digital Trust in personal data ecosystems like Solid. With minor modifications, it can achieve many requirements regarding usage control and transaction contextualization, even though additional specification is needed to address delegation of control and retraction of usage policies.
arXiv:2501.01509v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Main Control Room of the Fermilab accelerator complex continuously gathers extensive time-series data from thousands of sensors monitoring the beam. However, unplanned events such as trips or voltage fluctuations often result in beam outages, causing operational downtime. This downtime not only consumes operator effort in diagnosing and addressing the issue but also leads to unnecessary energy consumption by idle machines awaiting beam restoration. The current threshold-based alarm system is reactive and faces challenges including frequent false alarms and inconsistent outage-cause labeling. To address these limitations, we propose an AI-enabled framework that leverages predictive analytics and automated labeling. Using data from $2,703$ Linac devices and $80$ operator-labeled outages, we evaluate state-of-the-art deep learning architectures, including recurrent, attention-based, and linear models, for beam outage prediction. Additionally, we assess a Random Forest-based labeling system for providing consistent, confidence-scored outage annotations. Our findings highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these architectures for beam outage prediction and identify critical gaps that must be addressed to fully harness AI for transitioning downtime handling from reactive to predictive, ultimately reducing downtime and improving decision-making in accelerator management.
arXiv:2412.15021v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Neuromorphic computing aims to replicate the brain's capabilities for energy efficient and parallel information processing, promising a solution to the increasing demand for faster and more efficient computational systems. Efficient training of neural networks on neuromorphic hardware requires the development of training algorithms that retain the sparsity of spike-based communication during training. Here, we report on the first implementation of event-based backpropagation on the SpiNNaker2 neuromorphic hardware platform. We use EventProp, an algorithm for event-based backpropagation in spiking neural networks (SNNs), to compute exact gradients using sparse communication of error signals between neurons. Our implementation computes multi-layer networks of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons using discretized versions of the differential equations and their adjoints, and uses event packets to transmit spikes and error signals between network layers. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept of batch-parallelized, on-chip training of SNNs using the Yin Yang dataset, and provide an off-chip implementation for efficient prototyping, hyper-parameter search, and hybrid training methods.
arXiv:2501.01586v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In-memory analog matrix computing (AMC) with resistive random-access memory (RRAM) represents a highly promising solution that solves matrix problems in one step. However, the existing AMC circuits each have a specific connection topology to implement a single computing function, lack of the universality as a matrix processor. In this work, we design a reconfigurable AMC macro for general-purpose matrix computations, which is achieved by configuring proper connections between memory array and amplifier circuits. Based on this macro, we develop a hybrid system that incorporates an on-chip write-verify scheme and digital functional modules, to deliver a general-purpose AMC solver for various applications.
arXiv:2501.01729v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: For over a decade, linear and symmetric weight updates have remained the elusive holy grail in neuromorphic computing. Here, we unveil a kinetically controlled molecular mechanism driving a near-ideal neuromorphic element, capable of precisely modulating conductance linearly across 16,500 analog levels spanning four orders of magnitude. Our findings, supported by experimental data and mathematical modelling, demonstrate how nonlinear processes such as nucleation can be orchestrated within small perturbation regimes to achieve linearity. This establishes a groundwork for routinely realizing these long-sought neuromorphic features across a broad range of material systems.
arXiv:2501.01154v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In probability theory, the partition function is a factor used to reduce any probability function to a density function with total probability of one. Among other statistical models used to represent joint distribution, Markov random fields (MRF) can be used to efficiently represent statistical dependencies between variables. As the number of terms in the partition function scales exponentially with the number of variables, the potential of each configuration cannot be computed exactly in a reasonable time for large instances. In this paper, we aim to take advantage of the exponential scalability of quantum computing to speed up the estimation of the partition function of a MRF representing the dependencies between operating variables of an airborne radar. For that purpose, we implement a quantum algorithm for partition function estimation in the one clean qubit model. After proposing suitable formulations, we discuss the performances and scalability of our approach in comparison to the theoretical performances of the algorithm.
arXiv:2501.00211v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) represent a transformative advancement in the transportation industry. These vehicles have sophisticated sensors, advanced algorithms, and powerful computing systems that allow them to navigate and operate without direct human intervention. However, AVs' systems still get overwhelmed when they encounter a complex dynamic change in the environment resulting from an accident or a roadblock for maintenance. The advanced features of Sixth Generation (6G) technology are set to offer strong support to AVs, enabling real-time data exchange and management of complex driving maneuvers. This paper proposes a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) framework to improve AVs' decision-making in dynamic and complex Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) utilizing 6G-V2X communication. The primary objective is to enable AVs to avoid roadblocks efficiently by changing lanes while maintaining optimal traffic flow and maximizing the mean harmonic speed. To ensure realistic operations, key constraints such as minimum vehicle speed, roadblock count, and lane change frequency are integrated. We train and test the proposed MARL model with two traffic simulation scenarios using the SUMO and TraCI interface. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed model adapts to various traffic conditions and achieves efficient and robust traffic flow management. The trained model effectively navigates dynamic roadblocks, promoting improved traffic efficiency in AV operations with more than 70% efficiency over other benchmark solutions.
arXiv:2501.01189v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Recent advancements in connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology have sparked growing research interest in lane-free traffic (LFT). LFT envisions a scenario where all vehicles are CAVs, coordinating their movements without lanes to achieve smoother traffic flow and higher road capacity. This potentially reduces congestion without building new infrastructure. However, the transition phase will likely involve non-connected actors such as human-driven vehicles (HDVs) or independent AVs sharing the roads. This raises the question of how LFT performance is impacted when not all vehicles are CAVs, as these non-connected vehicles may prioritize their own benefits over system-wide improvements. This paper addresses this question through microscopic simulation on a ring road, where CAVs follow the potential lines (PL) controller for LFT, while HDVs adhere to a strip-based car-following model. The PL controller is also modified for safe velocities to prevent collisions. The results reveal that even a small percentage of HDVs can significantly disrupt LFT flow: 5% HDVs can reduce LFT's maximum road capacity by 16%, and a 20% HDVs nearly halves it. The study also develops an adaptive potential (APL) controller that forms APL corridors with modified PLs in the surroundings of HDVs. APL shows a peak traffic flow improvement of 23.6% over the PL controller. The study indicates that a penetration rate of approximately 60% CAVs in LFT is required before significant benefits of LFT start appearing compared to a scenario with all HDVs. These findings open a new research direction on minimizing the adverse effects of non-connected vehicles on LFT.
arXiv:2501.00280v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the optimization of global quantum communication through satellite constellations. We address the challenge of quantum key distribution (QKD) across vast distances and the limitations posed by terrestrial fiber-optic networks. Our research focuses on the configuration of satellite constellations to improve QKD between ground stations and the application of innovative orbital mechanics to reduce latency in quantum information transfer. We introduce a novel approach using quantum relay satellites in Molniya orbits, enhancing communication efficiency and coverage. The use of these high eccentricity orbits allows us to extend the operational presence of satellites over targeted hemispheres, thus maximizing the quantum network's reach. Our findings provide a strategic framework for deploying quantum satellites and relay systems to achieve a robust and efficient global quantum communication network.
arXiv:2501.01058v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The MaxCut problem is a fundamental problem in Combinatorial Optimization, with significant implications across diverse domains such as logistics, network design, and statistical physics. The algorithm represents innovative approaches that balance theoretical rigor with practical scalability. The proposed method introduces a Quantum Genetic Algorithm (QGA) using a Grover-based evolutionary framework and divide-and-conquer principles. By partitioning graphs into manageable subgraphs, optimizing each independently, and applying graph contraction to merge the solutions, the method exploits the inherent binary symmetry of MaxCut to ensure computational efficiency and robust approximation performance. Theoretical analysis establishes a foundation for the efficiency of the algorithm, while empirical evaluations provide quantitative evidence of its effectiveness. On complete graphs, the proposed method consistently achieves the true optimal MaxCut values, outperforming the Semidefinite Programming (SDP) approach, which provides up to 99.7\% of the optimal solution for larger graphs. On Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs, the QGA demonstrates competitive performance, achieving median solutions within 92-96\% of the SDP results. These results showcase the potential of the QGA framework to deliver competitive solutions, even under heuristic constraints, while demonstrating its promise for scalability as quantum hardware evolves.