
239 posts

arXiv:2501.06917v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Power distribution networks, especially in North America, are often unbalanced but are designed to keep unbalance levels within the limits specified by IEEE, IEC, and NEMA standards. However, rapid integration of unbalanced devices, such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers and single-phase solar plants, can exacerbate these imbalances. This increase can trigger protection devices, increase losses, and potentially damage devices. To address this issue, phase swapping (or phase allocation) has been proposed. Existing approaches predominantly rely on heuristic methods. In this work, we develop a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) approach for phase allocation. Our approach uses linearized DistFlow equations to represent the distribution network and incorporates a phase consistency constraint, enforced with binary variables, to ensure that downstream phase configurations align with upstream configurations. We validate the proposed approach on multiple benchmark test cases and demonstrate that it effectively improves network balance, as quantified by various metrics.

Rahul K. Gupta, Daniel K. Molzahn1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.07026v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: By employing a unified state-space design framework, this paper proposes a novel systematic analysis and synthesis method that facilitates the implementation of both conventional zero-order (ZO) and high-order (HO) DObs. Furthermore, this design method supports the development of advanced DObs (e.g., the proposed High-Performance (HP) DOb in this paper), enabling more accurate disturbance estimation and, consequently, enhancing the robust stability and performance of motion control systems. Lyapunov direct method is employed in the discrete-time domain to analyse the stability of the proposed digital robust motion controllers. The analysis demonstrates that the proposed DObs are stable in the sense that the estimation error is uniformly ultimately bounded when subjected to bounded disturbances. Additionally, they are proven to be asymptotically stable under specific disturbance conditions, such as constant disturbances for the ZO and HP DObs. Stability constraints on the design parameters of the DObs are analytically derived, providing effective synthesis tools for the implementation of the digital robust motion controllers. The discrete-time analysis facilitates the derivation of more practical design constraints. The proposed analysis and synthesis methods have been rigorously validated through experimental evaluations, confirming their effectiveness.

Emre Sariyildiz1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06719v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This project introduces a hierarchical planner integrating Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) constraints with natural language prompting for robot motion planning. The framework decomposes maps into regions, generates directed graphs, and converts them into transition systems for high-level planning. Text instructions are translated into LTL formulas and converted to Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) for sequential goal-reaching tasks while adhering to safety constraints. High-level plans, derived via Breadth-First Search (BFS), guide low-level planners like Exploring Random Trees (RRT) and Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM) for obstacle-avoidant navigation along with LTL tasks. The approach demonstrates adaptability to various task complexities, though challenges such as graph construction overhead and suboptimal path generation remain. Future directions include extending to considering terrain conditions and incorporating higher-order dynamics.

Jingzhan Ge, Zi-Hao Zhang, Sheng-En Huang1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06793v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper proposes a new differentially private gradient-tracking-based distributed stochastic optimization algorithm over directed graphs. Specifically, privacy noises are added to each agent's state and tracking variable to prevent information leakage, and then perturbed states and tracking variables are transmitted to neighbors. We design two novel schemes of the iteration step-sizes and the sampling number for the algorithm. By using the sampling parameter-controlled subsampling method, both schemes enhance the differential privacy level, and achieve the finite cumulative privacy budget even over infinite iterations. The convergence rate of the algorithm is shown for both nonconvex with the Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition and strongly convex objectives: Scheme (S1) achieves the polynomial convergence rate, and Scheme (S2) achieves the exponential convergence rate. The trade-off between the privacy and the convergence rate is presented. The algorithm's effectiveness and superior performance over the existing works are demonstrated through numerical examples of distributed training on benchmark datasets "MNIST" and "CIFAR-10".

Jialong Chen, Jimin Wang, Ji-Feng Zhang1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06976v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Power system operators need new, efficient operational tools to use the flexibility of distributed resources and deal with the challenges of highly uncertain and variable power systems. Transmission system operators can consider the available flexibility in distribution systems (DSs) without breaching the DS constraints through flexibility areas. However, there is an absence of open-source packages for flexibility area estimation. This paper introduces TensorConvolutionPlus, a user-friendly Python-based package for flexibility area estimation. The main features of TensorConvolutionPlus include estimating flexibility areas using the TensorConvolution+ algorithm, the power flow-based algorithm, an exhaustive PF-based algorithm, and an optimal power flow-based algorithm. Additional features include adapting flexibility area estimations from different operating conditions and including flexibility service providers offering discrete setpoints of flexibility. The TensorConvolutionPlus package facilitates a broader adaptation of flexibility estimation algorithms by system operators and power system researchers.

Demetris Chrysostomou, Jose Luis Rueda Torres, Jochen Lorenz Cremer1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.07005v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Long time-duration low-thrust nonlinear optimal spacecraft trajectory global search is a computationally and time expensive problem characterized by clustering patterns in locally optimal solutions. During preliminary mission design, mission parameters are subject to frequent changes, necessitating that trajectory designers efficiently generate high-quality control solutions for these new scenarios. Generative machine learning models can be trained to learn how the solution structure varies with respect to a conditional parameter, thereby accelerating the global search for missions with updated parameters. In this work, state-of-the-art diffusion models are integrated with the indirect approach for trajectory optimization within a global search framework. This framework is tested on two low-thrust transfers of different complexity in the circular restricted three-body problem. By generating and analyzing a training data set, we develop mathematical relations and techniques to understand the complex structures in the costate domain of locally optimal solutions for these problems. A diffusion model is trained on this data and successfully accelerates the global search for both problems. The model predicts how the costate solution structure changes, based on the maximum spacecraft thrust magnitude. Warm-starting a numerical solver with diffusion model samples for the costates at the initial time increases the number of solutions generated per minute for problems with unseen thrust magnitudes by one to two orders of magnitude in comparison to samples from a uniform distribution and from an adjoint control transformation.

Jannik Graebner, Ryne Beeson1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06670v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: To enhance the safety of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) navigating in restricted waters, this paper aims to develop a geometric analysis-based route safety assessment (GARSA) framework, specifically designed for their route decision-making in irregularly shaped waterways. Utilizing line and point geometric elements to define waterway boundaries, the framework enables to construct a dynamic width characterization function to quantify spatial safety along intricate waterways. An iterative method is developed to calculate this function, enabling an abstracted spatial property representation of the waterways. Based on this, we introduce a navigational safety index that balances global navigational safety and local risk to determine the safest route. To accommodate ship kinematic constraints, path modifications are applied using a dynamic window approach. A case study in a simulated Port of Hamburg environment shows that GARSA effectively identifies safe routes and avoids the risk of entering narrow waterways in an autonomous manner, thereby prioritizing safety in route decision-making for MASS in confined waters.

Zilong Xu, Zihao Wang, He Li, Dingli Yu, Zaili Yang, Jin Wang1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06679v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper presents a coordinated framework to optimize electric vehicle (EV) charging considering grid constraints and system uncertainties. The proposed framework consists of two optimization models. In particular, the distribution system operator (DSO) solves the first model to optimize the amount of deliverable energy flexibility that can be obtained from EV aggregators. To address the uncertainties of loads and solar energy generation, a hybrid robust/stochastic approach is employed, enabling the transformation of uncertainty-related constraints into a set of equivalent deterministic constraints. Once the DSO has computed the optimal energy flexibility, each aggregator utilizes the second optimization model to optimize the charging schedule for its respective fleet of EVs. Numerical simulations are performed on a modified IEEE 33-bus distribution network to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed framework.

Arash Baharvandi, Duong Tung Nguyen1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06756v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: With advancements in physical power systems and network technologies, integrated Cyber-Physical Power Systems (CPPS) have significantly enhanced system monitoring and control efficiency and reliability. This integration, however, introduces complex challenges in designing coherent CPPS, particularly as few studies concurrently address the deployment of physical layers and communication connections in the cyber layer. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a framework for robust sensor placement to optimize anomaly detection in the physical layer and enhance communication resilience in the cyber layer. We model the CPPS as an interdependent network via a graph, allowing for simultaneous consideration of both layers. Then, we adopt the Log-normal Shadowing Path Loss (LNSPL) model to ensure reliable data transmission. Additionally, we leverage the Fiedler value to measure graph resilience against line failures and three anomaly detectors to fortify system safety. However, the optimization problem is NP-hard. Therefore, we introduce the Experience Feedback Graph Diffusion (EFGD) algorithm, which utilizes a diffusion process to generate optimal sensor placement strategies. This algorithm incorporates cross-entropy gradient and experience feedback mechanisms to expedite convergence and generate higher reward strategies. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the EFGD algorithm enhances model convergence by 18.9% over existing graph diffusion methods and improves average reward by 22.90% compared to Denoising Diffusion Policy Optimization (DDPO) and 19.57% compared to Graph Diffusion Policy Optimization (GDPO), thereby significantly bolstering the robustness and reliability of CPPS operations.

Changyuan Zhao, Guangyuan Liu, Bin Xiang, Dusit Niyato, Benoit Delinchant, Hongyang Du, Dong In Kim1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06783v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper introduces a cost-effective robotic handwriting system designed to replicate human-like handwriting with high precision. Combining a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller, 3D-printed components, and a machine learning-based handwriting generation model implemented via TensorFlow.js, the system converts user-supplied text into realistic stroke trajectories. By leveraging lightweight 3D-printed materials and efficient mechanical designs, the system achieves a total hardware cost of approximately \$56, significantly undercutting commercial alternatives. Experimental evaluations demonstrate handwriting precision within $\pm$0.3 millimeters and a writing speed of approximately 200 mm/min, positioning the system as a viable solution for educational, research, and assistive applications. This study seeks to lower the barriers to personalized handwriting technologies, making them accessible to a broader audience.

Tianyi Huang, Richard Xiong1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06528v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Robotic systems are frequently deployed in missions that are dull, dirty, and dangerous, where ensuring their safety is of paramount importance when designing stabilizing controllers to achieve their desired goals. This paper addresses the problem of safe circumnavigation around a hostile target by a nonholonomic robot, with the objective of maintaining a desired safe distance from the target. Our solution approach involves incorporating an auxiliary circle into the problem formulation, which assists in navigating the robot around the target using available range-based measurements. By leveraging the concept of a barrier Lyapunov function, we propose a novel control law that ensures stable circumnavigation around the target while preventing the robot from entering the safety circle. This controller is designed based on a parameter that depends on the radii of three circles, namely the stabilizing circle, the auxiliary circle, and the safety circle. By identifying an appropriate range for this design parameter, we rigorously prove the stability of the desired equilibrium of the closed-loop system. Additionally, we provide an analysis of the robot's motion within the auxiliary circle, which is influenced by a gain parameter in the proposed controller. Simulation and experimental results are presented to illustrate the key theoretical developments.

Gaurav Singh Bhati, Arukonda Vaishnavi, Anoop Jain1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06940v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The passive body-area electrostatic field has recently been aspiringly explored for wearable motion sensing, harnessing its two thrilling characteristics: full-body motion sensitivity and environmental sensitivity, which potentially empowers human activity recognition both independently and jointly from a single sensing front-end and theoretically brings significant competition against traditional inertial sensor that is incapable in environmental variations sensing. While most works focus on exploring the electrostatic field of a single body as the target, this work, for the first time, quantitatively evaluates the mutual effect of inter-body electrostatic fields and its contribution to collaborative activity recognition. A wearable electrostatic field sensing front-end and wrist-worn prototypes are built, and a sixteen-hour, manually annotated dataset is collected, involving an experiment of manipulating objects both independently and collaboratively. A regression model is finally used to recognize the collaborative activities among users. Despite the theoretical advantages of the body electrostatic field, the recognition of both single and collaborative activities shows unanticipated less-competitive recognition performance compared with the accelerometer. However, It is worth mentioning that this novel sensing modality improves the recognition F-score of user collaboration by 16\% in the fusion result of the two wearable motion sensing modalities, demonstrating the potential of bringing body electrostatic field as a complementary power-efficient signal for collaborative activity tracking using wearables.

Sizhen Bian, Vitor Fortes Rey, Siyu Yuan, Paul Lukowicz1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06335v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This study aims to benchmark candidate strategies for embedding neural network (NN) surrogates in nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) formulations that are subject to systems described with partial differential equations and that are solved via direct transcription (i.e., simultaneous methods). This study focuses on the use of physics-informed NNs and physics-informed convolutional NNs as the internal (surrogate) models within the NMPC formulation. One strategy embeds NN models as explicit algebraic constraints, leveraging the automatic differentiation (AD) of an algebraic modelling language (AML) to evaluate the derivatives. Alternatively, the solver can be provided with derivatives computed external to the AML via the AD routines of the machine learning environment the NN is trained in. The three numerical experiments considered in this work reveal that replacing mechanistic models with NN surrogates may not always offer computational advantages when smooth activation functions are used in conjunction with a local nonlinear solver (e.g., Ipopt), even with highly nonlinear systems. Moreover, in this context, the external function evaluation of the NN surrogates often outperforms the embedding strategies that rely on explicit algebraic constraints, likely due to the difficulty in initializing the auxiliary variables and constraints introduced by explicit algebraic reformulations.

Carlos Andr\'es Elorza Casas, Luis A. Ricardez-Sandoval, Joshua L. Pulsipher1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06583v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Wheel loaders in mines and construction sites repeatedly load soil from a pile to load receivers. This task presents a challenging optimization problem since each loading's performance depends on the pile state, which depends on previous loadings. We investigate an end-to-end optimization approach considering future loading outcomes and V-cycle transportation costs. To predict the evolution of the pile state and the loading performance, we use world models that leverage deep neural networks trained on numerous simulated loading cycles. A look-ahead tree search optimizes the sequence of loading actions by evaluating the performance of thousands of action candidates, which expand into subsequent action candidates under the predicted pile states recursively. Test results demonstrate that, over a horizon of 15 sequential loadings, the look-ahead tree search is 6% more efficient than a greedy strategy, which always selects the action that maximizes the current single loading performance, and 14% more efficient than using a fixed loading controller optimized for the nominal case.

Koji Aoshima, Eddie Wadbro, Martin Servin1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06491v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This study emphasizes the domain of requirements engineering by applying the SMOTE-Tomek preprocessing technique, combined with stratified K-fold cross-validation, to address class imbalance in the PROMISE dataset. This dataset comprises 969 categorized requirements, classified into functional and non-functional types. The proposed approach enhances the representation of minority classes while maintaining the integrity of validation folds, leading to a notable improvement in classification accuracy. Logistic regression achieved 76.16\%, significantly surpassing the baseline of 58.31\%. These results highlight the applicability and efficiency of machine learning models as scalable and interpretable solutions.

Barak Or1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06635v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a reduced order model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) approach, utilizing the Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (ILQR) algorithm for the optimal control of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). The approach proposes a novel modification of the ILQR technique: it uses the Method of Snapshots to identify a reduced order Linear Time Varying (LTV) approximation of the nonlinear PDE dynamics around a current estimate of the optimal trajectory, utilizes the identified LTV model to solve a time-varying reduced order LQR problem to obtain an improved estimate of the optimal trajectory along with a new reduced basis, and iterates till convergence. The convergence behavior of the reduced order approach is analyzed and the algorithm is shown to converge to a limit set that is dependent on the truncation error in the reduction. The proposed approach is tested on the viscous Burger's equation and two phase-field models for microstructure evolution in materials, and the results show that there is a significant reduction in the computational burden over the standard ILQR approach, without significantly sacrificing performance.

Aayushman Sharma, Suman Chakravorty1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06573v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The residual queue during a given study period (e.g., peak hour) is an important feature that should be considered when solving a traffic assignment problem under equilibrium for strategic traffic planning. Although studies have focused extensively on static or quasi-dynamic traffic assignment models considering the residual queue, they have failed to capture the situation wherein the equilibrium link flow passing through the link is less than the link physical capacity under congested conditions. To address this critical issue, we introduce a novel static traffic assignment model that explicitly incorporates the residual queue and queue-dependent link capacity. The proposed model ensures that equilibrium link flows remain within the physical capacity bounds, yielding estimations more aligned with data observed by traffic detectors, especially in oversaturated scenarios. A generalized link cost function considering queue-dependent capacity, with an additional queuing delay term is proposed. The queuing delay term represents the added travel cost under congestion, offering a framework wherein conventional static models, both with and without physical capacity constraints, become special cases of our model. Our study rigorously analyzes the mathematical properties of the new model, establishing the theoretical uniqueness of solutions for link flow and residual queue under certain conditions. We also introduce a gradient projection-based alternating minimization algorithm tailored for the proposed model. Numerical examples are conducted to demonstrate the superiority and merit of the proposed model and solution algorithm.

Hao Fu, William H. K. Lam, Wei Ma, Yuxin Shi, Rui Jiang, Huijun Sun, Ziyou Gao1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06566v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We propose the Cooperative Aerial Robot Inspection Challenge (CARIC), a simulation-based benchmark for motion planning algorithms in heterogeneous multi-UAV systems. CARIC features UAV teams with complementary sensors, realistic constraints, and evaluation metrics prioritizing inspection quality and efficiency. It offers a ready-to-use perception-control software stack and diverse scenarios to support the development and evaluation of task allocation and motion planning algorithms. Competitions using CARIC were held at IEEE CDC 2023 and the IROS 2024 Workshop on Multi-Robot Perception and Navigation, attracting innovative solutions from research teams worldwide. This paper examines the top three teams from CDC 2023, analyzing their exploration, inspection, and task allocation strategies while drawing insights into their performance across scenarios. The results highlight the task's complexity and suggest promising directions for future research in cooperative multi-UAV systems.

Muqing Cao, Thien-Minh Nguyen, Shenghai Yuan, Andreas Anastasiou, Angelos Zacharia, Savvas Papaioannou, Panayiotis Kolios, Christos G. Panayiotou, Marios M. Polycarpou, Xinhang Xu, Mingjie Zhang, Fei Gao, Boyu Zhou, Ben M. Chen, Lihua Xie1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06510v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, two model-free optimal output tracking frameworks based on policy iteration for discrete-time multi-agent systems are proposed. First, we establish a framework of stabilizing policy iteration that can start from any initial feedback control policy, relaxing the dependence of traditional policy iteration on the initial stabilizing control policy. Then, another efficient and equivalent $Q$-learning policy iteration framework is developed, which is shown to require only less system data to get the same results as the stabilizing policy iteration. Both frameworks obtain stabilizing control policy by iterating the stabilizing virtual closed-loop system step-by-step to the actual closed-loop system. Multiple explicit schemes for the iteration step-size/coefficient are designed and their stability during the above iterations is analyzed. By using the generated closed-loop stabilizing control policy and two frameworks, the optimal feedback control gain is obtained. The approximate solution of the regulator equations is found by model-free iteration, which leads to the optimal feedforward gain. Finally, the cooperative optimal output tracking is realized by a distributed feedforward-feedback controller. The proposed algorithms are validated by simulation.

Dongdong Li, Jiuxiang Dong1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.07030v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, a signal detection method based on the denoise diffusion model (DM) is proposed, which outperforms the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method that has long been regarded as the optimal signal detection technique. Theoretically, a novel mathematical theory for intelligent signal detection based on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is established in this paper, demonstrating the effectiveness of DM in reducing the additive white Gaussian noise in received signals. Moreover, a mathematical relationship between the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the timestep in DM is established, revealing that for any given SNR, a corresponding optimal timestep can be identified. Furthermore, to address potential issues with out-of-distribution inputs in the DM, we employ a mathematical scaling technique that allows the trained DM to handle signal detection across a wide range of SNRs without any fine-tuning. Building on the above theoretical foundation, we propose a DM-based signal detection method, with the diffusion transformer (DiT) serving as the backbone neural network, whose computational complexity of this method is $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$. Simulation results demonstrate that, for BPSK and QAM modulation schemes, the DM-based method achieves a significantly lower symbol error rate (SER) compared to ML estimation, while maintaining a much lower computational complexity.

Xiucheng Wang, Peilin Zheng, Nan Cheng1/14/2025