158 postsarXiv:2501.07534v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Path loss prediction is a beneficial tool for efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum. Building on prior research on high-resolution map-based path loss models, this paper studies convolutional neural network input representations in more detail. We investigate different methods of representing scalar features in convolutional neural networks. Specifically, we compare using frequency and distance as input channels to convolutional layers or as scalar inputs to regression layers. We assess model performance using three different feature configurations and find that representing scalar features as image channels results in the strongest generalization.
arXiv:2501.06355v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Current wireless infrastructure is optimized to support downlink applications. This paper anticipates the emergence of applications where engineering focus shifts from downlink to uplink. The current paradigm of scheduling users on reserved uplink resources is not able to deal efficiently with unpredictable traffic patterns. As a result, 3GPP introduced the 2-step RACH as a mechanism to enable grant-free (random) initial access. The first of the two steps is preamble detection in a RACH slot, and in this paper we describe a low-complexity algorithm for simultaneous detection of multiple preambles in the presence of mobility and delay spread. We provide a pathway to standards adoption by choosing ZC sequences as preambles, as ZC sequences already appear in 5G standards. We construct preambles by using the discrete Zak transform to pass from a ZC sequence of length MN in the TD to a quasi-periodic MxN array in the DD domain. There are MN quasi-periodic Dirac pulses, each corresponding to a Zak-OTFS carrier waveform, and the ZC preamble is simply the corresponding sum of Zak-OTFS carrier waveforms. We detect multiple preambles in the presence of mobility and delay spread by sampling the received signal on the MxN period grid in the DD domain. We approach detection as a compressed sensing problem. We represent a preamble as a column of length MN in the DD domain and apply discrete shifts in delay and Doppler to produce a block with O(MN) columns in the compressed sensing matrix. The superposition of multiple preambles determines a block sparse sum of columns in the sensing matrix. The correlation properties of ZC sequences result in a highly structured compressed sensing matrix, making it possible to identify constituent preambles using OST, which has complexity O(M^3N^3). In this paper, we describe an algorithm with complexity that is O(M^2N^2) in the size of an individual column.
arXiv:2501.07173v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Bearing fault diagnosis under varying working conditions faces challenges, including a lack of labeled data, distribution discrepancies, and resource constraints. To address these issues, we propose a progressive knowledge distillation framework that transfers knowledge from a complex teacher model, utilizing a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) with Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filters, to a compact and efficient student model. To mitigate distribution discrepancies and labeling uncertainty, we introduce Enhanced Local Maximum Mean Squared Discrepancy (ELMMSD), which leverages mean and variance statistics in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) and incorporates a priori probability distributions between labels. This approach increases the distance between clustering centers, bridges subdomain gaps, and enhances subdomain alignment reliability. Experimental results on benchmark datasets (CWRU and JNU) demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior diagnostic accuracy while significantly reducing computational costs. Comprehensive ablation studies validate the effectiveness of each component, highlighting the robustness and adaptability of the approach across diverse working conditions.
arXiv:2501.07337v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This study presents an ML approach for classifying digital radio operating modes evaluated on real-world transmissions. We generated 98 different parameterized radio signals from 17 digital operating modes, transmitted each of them on the 70 cm (UHF) amateur radio band, and recorded our transmissions with two different architectures of SDR receivers. Three lightweight ML models were trained exclusively on spectrograms of limited non-transmitted signals with random characters as payloads. This training involved an online data augmentation pipeline to simulate various radio channel impairments. Our best model, EfficientNetB0, achieved an accuracy of 93.80% across the 17 operating modes and 85.47% across all 98 parameterized radio signals, evaluated on our real-world transmissions with Wikipedia articles as payloads. Furthermore, we analyzed the impact of varying signal durations & the number of FFT bins on classification, assessed the effectiveness of our simulated channel impairments, and tested our models across multiple simulated SNRs.
arXiv:2501.06974v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Fluid antenna multiple access (FAMA), enabled by the fluid antenna system (FAS), offers a new and straightforward solution to massive connectivity. Previous results on FAMA were primarily based on narrowband channels. This paper studies the adoption of FAMA within the fifth-generation (5G) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) framework, referred to as OFDM-FAMA, and evaluate its performance in broadband multipath channels. We first design the OFDM-FAMA system, taking into account 5G channel coding and OFDM modulation. Then the system's achievable rate is analyzed, and an algorithm to approximate the FAS configuration at each user is proposed based on the rate. Extensive link-level simulation results reveal that OFDM-FAMA can significantly improve the multiplexing gain over the OFDM system with fixed-position antenna (FPA) users, especially when robust channel coding is applied and the number of radio-frequency (RF) chains at each user is small.
arXiv:2501.06965v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Load forecasting plays a crucial role in energy management, directly impacting grid stability, operational efficiency, cost reduction, and environmental sustainability. Traditional Vanilla Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) face issues such as vanishing and exploding gradients, whereas sophisticated RNNs such as LSTMs have shown considerable success in this domain. However, these models often struggle to accurately capture complex and sudden variations in energy consumption, and their applicability is typically limited to specific consumer types, such as offices or schools. To address these challenges, this paper proposes the Kolmogorov-Arnold Recurrent Network (KARN), a novel load forecasting approach that combines the flexibility of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks with RNN's temporal modeling capabilities. KARN utilizes learnable temporal spline functions and edge-based activations to better model non-linear relationships in load data, making it adaptable across a diverse range of consumer types. The proposed KARN model was rigorously evaluated on a variety of real-world datasets, including student residences, detached homes, a home with electric vehicle charging, a townhouse, and industrial buildings. Across all these consumer categories, KARN consistently outperformed traditional Vanilla RNNs, while it surpassed LSTM and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) in six buildings. The results demonstrate KARN's superior accuracy and applicability, making it a promising tool for enhancing load forecasting in diverse energy management scenarios.
arXiv:2501.06726v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Sensing and edge artificial intelligence (AI) are envisioned as two essential and interconnected functions in sixth-generation (6G) mobile networks. On the one hand, sensing-empowered applications rely on powerful AI models to extract features and understand semantics from ubiquitous wireless sensors. On the other hand, the massive amount of sensory data serves as the fuel to continuously refine edge AI models. This deep integration of sensing and edge AI has given rise to a new task-oriented paradigm known as integrated sensing and edge AI (ISEA), which features a holistic design approach to communication, AI computation, and sensing for optimal sensing-task performance. In this article, we present a comprehensive survey for ISEA. We first provide technical preliminaries for sensing, edge AI, and new communication paradigms in ISEA. Then, we study several use cases of ISEA to demonstrate its practical relevance and introduce current standardization and industrial progress. Next, the design principles, metrics, tradeoffs, and architectures of ISEA are established, followed by a thorough overview of ISEA techniques, including digital air interface, over-the-air computation, and advanced signal processing. Its interplay with various 6G advancements, e.g., new physical-layer and networking techniques, are presented. Finally, we present future research opportunities in ISEA, including the integration of foundation models, convergence of ISEA and integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), and ultra-low-latency ISEA.
arXiv:2501.07041v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we investigate receiver design for high frequency (HF) skywave massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications. We first establish a modified beam based channel model (BBCM) by performing uniform sampling for directional cosine with deterministic sampling interval, where the beam matrix is constructed using a phase-shifted discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix. Based on the modified BBCM, we propose a beam structured turbo receiver (BSTR) involving low-dimensional beam domain signal detection for grouped user terminals (UTs), which is proved to be asymptotically optimal in terms of minimizing mean-squared error (MSE). Moreover, we extend it to windowed BSTR by introducing a windowing approach for interference suppression and complexity reduction, and propose a well-designed energy-focusing window. We also present an efficient implementation of the windowed BSTR by exploiting the structure properties of the beam matrix and the beam domain channel sparsity. Simulation results validate the superior performance of the proposed receivers but with remarkably low complexity.
arXiv:2501.06700v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we address a crucial but often overlooked issue in applying reinforcement learning (RL) to radio resource management (RRM) in wireless communications: the mismatch between the discounted reward RL formulation and the undiscounted goal of wireless network optimization. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to systematically investigate this discrepancy, starting with a discussion of the problem formulation followed by simulations that quantify the extent of the gap. To bridge this gap, we introduce the use of average reward RL, a method that aligns more closely with the long-term objectives of RRM. We propose a new method called the Average Reward Off policy Soft Actor Critic (ARO SAC) is an adaptation of the well known Soft Actor Critic algorithm in the average reward framework. This new method achieves significant performance improvement our simulation results demonstrate a 15% gain in the system performance over the traditional discounted reward RL approach, underscoring the potential of average reward RL in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of wireless network optimization.
arXiv:2501.07318v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we propose an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system aided by the movable-antenna (MA) array, which can improve the communication and sensing performance via flexible antenna movement over conventional fixed-position antenna (FPA) array. First, we consider the downlink multiuser communication, where each user is randomly distributed within a given three-dimensional zone with local movement. To reduce the overhead of frequent antenna movement, the antenna position vector (APV) is designed based on users' statistical channel state information (CSI), so that the antennas only need to be moved in a large timescale. Then, for target sensing, the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) of the estimation mean square error for different spatial angles of arrival (AoAs) are derived as functions of MAs' positions. Based on the above, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the expected minimum achievable rate among all communication users, with given constraints on the maximum acceptable CRB thresholds for target sensing. An alternating optimization algorithm is proposed to iteratively optimize one of the horizontal and vertical APVs of the MA array with the other being fixed. Numerical results demonstrate that our proposed MA arrays can significantly enlarge the trade-off region between communication and sensing performance compared to conventional FPA arrays with different inter-antenna spacing. It is also revealed that the steering vectors of the designed MA arrays exhibit low correlation in the angular domain, thus effectively reducing channel correlation among communication users to enhance their achievable rates, while alleviating ambiguity in target angle estimation to achieve improved sensing accuracy.
arXiv:2501.06545v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Low harvested energy poses a significant challenge to sustaining continuous communication in energy harvesting (EH)-powered wireless sensor networks. This is mainly due to intermittent and limited power availability from radio frequency signals. In this paper, we introduce a novel energy-aware resource allocation problem aimed at enabling the asynchronous accumulate-then-transmit protocol, offering an alternative to the extensively studied harvest-then-transmit approach. Specifically, we jointly optimize power allocation and time fraction dedicated to EH to maximize the average long-term system throughput, accounting for both data and energy queue lengths. By leveraging inner approximation and network utility maximization techniques, we develop a simple yet efficient iterative algorithm that guarantees at least a local optimum and achieves long-term utility improvement. Numerical results highlight the proposed approach's effectiveness in terms of both queue length and sustained system throughput.
arXiv:2501.06744v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The human ear offers a unique opportunity for cardiac monitoring due to its physiological and practical advantages. However, existing earable solutions require additional hardware and complex processing, posing challenges for commercial True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds which are limited by their form factor and resources. In this paper, we propose TWSCardio, a novel system that repurposes the IMU sensors in TWS earbuds for cardiac monitoring. Our key finding is that these sensors can capture in-ear ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals. TWSCardio reuses the unstable Bluetooth channel to stream the IMU data to a smartphone for BCG processing. It incorporates a signal enhancement framework to address issues related to missing data and low sampling rate, while mitigating motion artifacts by fusing multi-axis information. Furthermore, it employs a region-focused signal reconstruction method to translate the multi-axis in-ear BCG signals into fine-grained seismocardiogram (SCG) signals. We have implemented TWSCardio as an efficient real-time app. Our experiments on 100 subjects verify that TWSCardio can accurately reconstruct cardiac signals while showing resilience to motion artifacts, missing data, and low sampling rates. Our case studies further demonstrate that TWSCardio can support diverse cardiac monitoring applications.
arXiv:2501.06326v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Brain decoding has emerged as a rapidly advancing and extensively utilized technique within neuroscience. This paper centers on the application of raw electroencephalogram (EEG) signals for decoding human brain activity, offering a more expedited and efficient methodology for enhancing our understanding of the human brain. The investigation specifically scrutinizes the efficacy of brain-computer interfaces (BCI) in deciphering neural signals associated with speech production, with particular emphasis on the impact of vocabulary size, electrode density, and training data on the framework's performance. The study reveals the competitive word error rates (WERs) achievable on the Librispeech benchmark through pre-training on unlabelled data for speech processing. Furthermore, the study evaluates the efficacy of voice recognition under configurations with limited labeled data, surpassing previous state-of-the-art techniques while utilizing significantly fewer labels. Additionally, the research provides a comprehensive analysis of error patterns in voice recognition and the influence of model size and unlabelled training data. It underscores the significance of factors such as vocabulary size and electrode density in enhancing BCI performance, advocating for an increase in microelectrodes and refinement of language models.
arXiv:2501.06798v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This study reveals the vulnerabilities of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) sensing, under the scope of joint communication and sensing (JCAS), focusing on target spoofing and deceptive jamming techniques. We use orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) to explore how adversaries can exploit WLAN's sensing capabilities to inject false targets and disrupt normal operations. Unlike traditional methods that require sophisticated digital radio-frequency memory hardware, we demonstrate that much simpler software-defined radios can effectively serve as deceptive jammers in WLAN settings. Through comprehensive modeling and practical experiments, we show how deceptive jammers can manipulate the range-Doppler map (RDM) by altering signal integrity, thereby posing significant security threats to OFDM-based JCAS systems. Our findings comprehensively evaluate jammer impact on RDMs and propose several jamming strategies that vary in complexity and detectability.
arXiv:2501.06334v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Employing wireless systems with dual sensing and communications functionalities is becoming critical in next generation of wireless networks. In this paper, we propose a robust design for over-the-air federated edge learning (OTA-FEEL) that leverages sensing capabilities at the parameter server (PS) to mitigate the impact of target echoes on the analog model aggregation. We first derive novel expressions for the Cramer-Rao bound of the target response and mean squared error (MSE) of the estimated global model to measure radar sensing and model aggregation quality, respectively. Then, we develop a joint scheduling and beamforming framework that optimizes the OTA-FEEL performance while keeping the sensing and communication quality, determined respectively in terms of Cramer-Rao bound and achievable downlink rate, in a desired range. The resulting scheduling problem reduces to a combinatorial mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP). We develop a low-complexity hierarchical method based on the matching pursuit algorithm used widely for sparse recovery in the literature of compressed sensing. The proposed algorithm uses a step-wise strategy to omit the least effective devices in each iteration based on a metric that captures both the aggregation and sensing quality of the system. It further invokes alternating optimization scheme to iteratively update the downlink beamforming and uplink post-processing by marginally optimizing them in each iteration. Convergence and complexity analysis of the proposed algorithm is presented. Numerical evaluations on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. The results show that by leveraging accurate sensing, the target echoes on the uplink signal can be effectively suppressed, ensuring the quality of model aggregation to remain intact despite the interference.
arXiv:2501.06620v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The cumulative distribution function (CDF) is fundamental due to its ability to reveal information about random variables, making it essential in studies that require privacy-preserving methods to protect sensitive data. This paper introduces a novel privacy-preserving CDF method inspired by the functional analysis and functional mechanism. Our approach projects the empirical CDF into a predefined space, approximating it using specific functions, and protects the coefficients to achieve a differentially private empirical CDF. Compared to existing methods like histogram queries and adaptive quantiles, our method is preferable in decentralized settings and scenarios where CDFs must be updated with newly collected data.
arXiv:2501.06306v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Being widely adopted by the transportation and planning practitioners, the fundamental diagram (FD) is the primary tool used to relate the key macroscopic traffic variables of speed, flow, and density. We empirically analyze the relation between vehicular space-mean speeds and flows given different signal settings and postulate a parsimonious parametric function form of the traditional FD where its function parameters are explicitly modeled as a function of the signal plan factors. We validate the proposed formulation using data from signalized urban road segments in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The proposed formulation builds our understanding of how changes to signal settings impact the FDs, and more generally the congestion patterns, of signalized urban segments.
arXiv:2501.07030v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, a signal detection method based on the denoise diffusion model (DM) is proposed, which outperforms the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method that has long been regarded as the optimal signal detection technique. Theoretically, a novel mathematical theory for intelligent signal detection based on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) is established in this paper, demonstrating the effectiveness of DM in reducing the additive white Gaussian noise in received signals. Moreover, a mathematical relationship between the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the timestep in DM is established, revealing that for any given SNR, a corresponding optimal timestep can be identified. Furthermore, to address potential issues with out-of-distribution inputs in the DM, we employ a mathematical scaling technique that allows the trained DM to handle signal detection across a wide range of SNRs without any fine-tuning. Building on the above theoretical foundation, we propose a DM-based signal detection method, with the diffusion transformer (DiT) serving as the backbone neural network, whose computational complexity of this method is $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$. Simulation results demonstrate that, for BPSK and QAM modulation schemes, the DM-based method achieves a significantly lower symbol error rate (SER) compared to ML estimation, while maintaining a much lower computational complexity.
arXiv:2501.06526v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems are poised to revolutionize next-generation wireless networks by enabling simultaneous sensing and communication (S\&C). This survey comprehensively reviews UAV-ISAC systems, highlighting foundational concepts, key advancements, and future research directions. We explore recent advancements in UAV-based ISAC systems from various perspectives and objectives, including advanced channel estimation (CE), beam tracking, and system throughput optimization under joint sensing and communication S\&C constraints. Additionally, we examine weighted sum rate (WSR) and sensing trade-offs, delay and age of information (AoI) minimization, energy efficiency (EE), and security enhancement. These applications highlight the potential of UAV-based ISAC systems to improve spectrum utilization, enhance communication reliability, reduce latency, and optimize energy consumption across diverse domains, including smart cities, disaster relief, and defense operations. The survey also features summary tables for comparative analysis of existing methodologies, emphasizing performance, limitations, and effectiveness in addressing various challenges. By synthesizing recent advancements and identifying open research challenges, this survey aims to be a valuable resource for developing efficient, adaptive, and secure UAV-based ISAC systems.
arXiv:2501.06414v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we propose a generalizable deep neural network model for indoor pathloss radio map prediction (termed as IPP-Net). IPP-Net is based on a UNet architecture and learned from both large-scale ray tracing simulation data and a modified 3GPP indoor hotspot model. The performance of IPP-Net is evaluated in the First Indoor Pathloss Radio Map Prediction Challenge in ICASSP 2025. The evaluation results show that IPP-Net achieves a weighted root mean square error of 9.501 dB on three competition tasks and obtains the second overall ranking.