
110 posts

arXiv:2501.12072v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We construct and analyze the fault tolerance of $[[6,1,3]]$ non-CSS quantum error correcting code under the anisotropic and depolarizing noise models. This rate-optimized code achieves fault-tolerance using a single ancilla qubit for syndrome measurement under anisotropic noise conditions. This method was called fault-tolerance using bare ancilla by Brown \emph{et al.} We give explicit construction of the code using measurements on non-planar graph states. We also argue that using our approach, we can construct a family of such fault-tolerant codes. This method fills a notable gap in constructing fault-tolerant non-CSS code families.

Harsh Gupta, Pranav Maheshwari, Ankur Raina1/22/2025

arXiv:2409.14501v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The Rydberg atomic quantum receivers (RAQR) are emerging quantum precision sensing platforms designed for receiving radio frequency (RF) signals. It relies on creation of Rydberg atoms from normal atoms by exciting one or more electrons to a very high energy level, thereby making the atom sensitive to RF signals. RAQRs realize RF-to-optical conversions based on light-atom interactions relying on the so called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and Aulter-Townes splitting (ATS), so that the desired RF signal can be read out optically. The large dipole moments of Rydberg atoms associated with rich choices of Rydberg states and various modulation schemes facilitate an ultra-high sensitivity ($\sim$ nV/cm/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$) and an ultra-broadband tunability (direct-current to Terahertz). RAQRs also exhibit compelling scalability and lend themselves to the construction of innovative, compact receivers. Initial experimental studies have demonstrated their capabilities in classical wireless communications and sensing. To fully harness their potential in a wide variety of applications, we commence by outlining the underlying fundamentals of Rydberg atoms, followed by the principles and schemes of RAQRs. Then, we overview the state-of-the-art studies from both physics and communication societies. Furthermore, we conceive Rydberg atomic quantum single-input single-output (RAQ-SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (RAQ-MIMO) schemes for facilitating the integration of RAQRs with classical wireless systems. Finally, we conclude with a set of potent research directions.

Tierui Gong, Aveek Chandra, Chau Yuen, Yong Liang Guan, Rainer Dumke, Chong Meng Samson See, M\'erouane Debbah, Lajos Hanzo1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11454v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, known for its strong quantum correlations and chaotic behavior, serves as a key platform for quantum gravity studies. However, variationally preparing thermal states on near-term quantum processors for large systems (N>12, where N is the number of Majorana fermions) presents a significant challenge due to the rapid growth in the complexity of parameterized quantum circuits. This paper addresses this challenge by integrating reinforcement learning (RL) with convolutional neural networks, employing an iterative approach to optimize the quantum circuit and its parameters. The refinement process is guided by a composite reward signal derived from entropy and the expectation values of the SYK Hamiltonian. This approach reduces the number of CNOT gates by two orders of magnitude for systems N>10 compared to traditional methods like first-order Trotterization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the RL framework in both noiseless and noisy quantum hardware environments, maintaining high accuracy in thermal state preparation. This work contributes to the advancement of a scalable, RL-based framework with applications for computations of thermal out-of-time-order correlators in quantum many-body systems and quantum gravity studies on near-term quantum hardware.

Akash Kundu1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.12043v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Quantum key distribution (QKD) has been emerged as a promising solution for guaranteeing information-theoretic security. Inspired by this, a great amount of research effort has been recently put on designing and testing QKD systems as well as articulating preliminary application scenarios. However, due to the considerable high-cost of QKD equipment, a lack of QKD communication system design tools, wide deployment of such systems and networks is challenging. Motivated by this, this paper introduces a QKD communication system design tool. First we articulate key operation elements of the QKD, and explain the feasibility and applicability of coherent-one-way (COW) QKD solutions. Next, we focus on documenting the corresponding simulation framework as well as defining the key performance metrics, i.e., quantum bit error rate (QBER), and secrecy key rate. To verify the accuracy of the simulation framework, we design and deploy a real-world QKD setup. We perform extensive experiments for three deployments of diverse transmission distance in the presence or absence of a QKD eavesdropper. The results reveal an acceptable match between simulations and experiments rendering the simulation framework a suitable tool for QKD communication system design.

Aitor Brazaola-Vicario, Vasileios Kouvakis, Stylianos E. Trevlakis, Alejandra Ruiz, Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos, Theodoros Tsiftsis, Dusit Niyato1/22/2025

arXiv:2311.10524v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: In information theory, we often use intersection and union of the typical sets to analyze various communication problems. However, in the quantum setting it is not very clear how to construct a measurement which behaves analogously to intersection and union of the typical sets. In this work, we construct a projection operator which behaves very similarly to intersection and union of the typical sets. Our construction relies on the Jordan's lemma. Using this construction we study the problem of communication over authenticated classical-quantum channels and derive its capacity. As another application of our construction, we also study the problem of quantum asymmetric composite hypothesis testing.

Naqueeb Ahmad Warsi, Ayanava Dasgupta1/22/2025

arXiv:2409.03185v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Neutral atom (NA) quantum systems are emerging as a leading platform for quantum computation, offering superior or competitive qubit count and gate fidelity compared to superconducting circuits and ion traps. However, the unique features of NA devices, such as long-range interactions, long qubit coherence time, and the ability to physically move qubits, present distinct challenges for quantum circuit compilation. In this paper, we introduce DasAtom, a novel divide-and-shuttle atom approach designed to optimise quantum circuit transformation for NA devices by leveraging these capabilities. DasAtom partitions circuits into subcircuits, each associated with a qubit mapping that allows all gates within the subcircuit to be directly executed. The algorithm then shuttles atoms to transition seamlessly from one mapping to the next, enhancing both execution efficiency and overall fidelity. For a 30-qubit Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), DasAtom achieves a 414x improvement in fidelity over the move-based algorithm Enola and a 10.6x improvement over the SWAP-based algorithm Tetris. Notably, this improvement is expected to increase exponentially with the number of qubits, positioning DasAtom as a highly promising solution for scaling quantum computation on NA platforms.

Yunqi Huang, Dingchao Gao, Shenggang Ying, Sanjiang Li1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10673v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Recent studies in quantum machine learning advocated the use of hybrid models to assist with the limitations of the currently existing Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, but what was missing from most of them was the explanations and interpretations of the choices that were made to pick those exact architectures and the differentiation between good and bad hybrid architectures, this research attempts to tackle that gap in the literature by using the Regularized Evolution algorithm to search for the optimal hybrid classical-quantum architecture for the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, a well-known reinforcement learning algorithm, ultimately the classical models dominated the leaderboard with the best hybrid model coming in eleventh place among all unique models, while we also try to explain the factors that contributed to such results,and for some models to behave better than others in hope to grasp a better intuition about what we should consider good practices for designing an efficient hybrid architecture.

Moustafa Zada1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11009v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Continuous variable quantum key distribution bears the promise of simple quantum key distribution directly compatible with commercial off the shelf equipment. However, for a long time its performance was hindered by the absence of good classical postprocessing capable of distilling secret-keys in the noisy regime. Advanced coding solutions in the past years have partially addressed this problem enabling record transmission distances of up to 165 km, and 206 km over ultra-low loss fiber. In this paper, we show that a very simple coding solution with a single code is sufficient to extract keys at all noise levels. This solution has performance competitive with prior results for all levels of noise, and we show that non-zero keys can be distilled up to a record distance of 192 km assuming the standard loss of a single-mode optical fiber, and 240 km over ultra-low loss fibers. Low-rate codes are constructed using multiplicatively repeated non-binary low-density parity-check codes over a finite field of characteristic two. This construction only makes use of a (2,k)-regular non-binary low-density parity-check code as mother code, such that code design is in fact not required, thus trivializing the code construction procedure. The construction is also inherently rate-adaptive thereby allowing to easily create codes of any rate. Rate-adaptive codes are of special interest for the efficient reconciliation of errors over time or arbitrary varying channels, as is the case with quantum key distribution. In short, these codes are highly efficient when reconciling errors over a very noisy communication channel, and perform well even for short block-length codes. Finally, the proposed solution is known to be easily amenable to hardware implementations, thus addressing also the requirements for practical reconciliation in continuous variable quantum key distribution.

Jesus Martinez-Mateo, David Elkouss1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11816v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: As quantum computers require highly specialized and stable environments to operate, expanding their capabilities within a single system presents significant technical challenges. By interconnecting multiple quantum processors, distributed quantum computing can facilitate the execution of more complex and larger-scale quantum algorithms. End-to-end heuristics for the distribution of quantum circuits have been developed so far. In this work, we derive an exact integer programming approach for the Distributed Quantum Circuit (DQC) problem, assuming fixed module allocations. Since every DQC algorithm necessarily yields a module allocation function, our formulation can be integrated with it as a post-processing step. This improves on the hypergraph partitioning formulation, which finds a module allocation function and an efficient distribution at once. We also show that a suboptimal heuristic to find good allocations can outperform previous methods. In particular, for quantum Fourier transform circuits, we conjecture from experiments that the optimal module allocation is the trivial one found by this method.

Hyunho Cha, Jungwoo Lee1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.12007v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We introduce a quantum analogue of classical first-order logic (FO) and develop a theory of quantum first-order logic as a basis of the productive discussions on the power of logical expressiveness toward quantum computing. The purpose of this work is to logically express "quantum computation" by introducing specially-featured quantum connectives and quantum quantifiers that quantify fixed-dimensional quantum states. Our approach is founded on the recently introduced recursion-theoretical schematic definitions of time-bounded quantum functions, which map finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces to themselves. The quantum first-order logic (QFO) in this work therefore looks quite different from the well-known old concept of quantum logic based on lattice theory. We demonstrate that quantum first-order logics possess an ability of expressing bounded-error quantum logarithmic-time computability by the use of new "functional" quantum variables. In contrast, an extra inclusion of quantum transitive closure operator helps us characterize quantum logarithmic-space computability. The same computability can be achieved by the use of different "functional" quantum variables.

Tomoyuki Yamakami1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.12151v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: This paper explores the application of tensor networks (TNs) to the simulation of material deformations within the framework of linear elasticity. Material simulations are essential computational tools extensively used in both academic research and industrial applications. TNs, originally developed in quantum mechanics, have recently shown promise in solving partial differential equations (PDEs) due to their potential for exponential speedups over classical algorithms. Our study successfully employs TNs to solve linear elasticity equations with billions of degrees of freedom, achieving exponential reductions in both memory usage and computational time. These results demonstrate the practical viability of TNs as a powerful classical backend for executing quantum-inspired algorithms with significant efficiency gains. This work is based on our research conducted with IKERLAN.

Mazen Ali, Aser Cortines, Siddhartha Morales, Samuel Mugel, Mireia Olave, Roman Orus, Samuel Palmer, Hodei Usabiaga1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.12359v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The hockey-stick divergence is a fundamental quantity characterizing several statistical privacy frameworks that ensure privacy for classical and quantum data. In such quantum privacy frameworks, the adversary is allowed to perform all possible measurements. However, in practice, there are typically limitations to the set of measurements that can be performed. To this end, here, we comprehensively analyze the measured hockey-stick divergence under several classes of practically relevant measurement classes. We prove several of its properties, including data processing and convexity. We show that it is efficiently computable by semi-definite programming for some classes of measurements and can be analytically evaluated for Werner and isotropic states. Notably, we show that the measured hockey-stick divergence characterizes optimal privacy parameters in the quantum pufferfish privacy framework. With this connection and the developed technical tools, we enable methods to quantify and audit privacy for several practically relevant settings. Lastly, we introduce the measured hockey-stick divergence of channels and explore its applications in ensuring privacy for channels.

Theshani Nuradha, Vishal Singh, Mark M. Wilde1/22/2025

arXiv:2206.05434v4 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We define rewinding operators that invert quantum measurements. Then, we define complexity classes ${\sf RwBQP}$, ${\sf CBQP}$, and ${\sf AdPostBQP}$ as sets of decision problems solvable by polynomial-size quantum circuits with a polynomial number of rewinding operators, cloning operators, and adaptive postselections, respectively. Our main result is that ${\sf BPP}^{\sf PP}\subseteq{\sf RwBQP}={\sf CBQP}={\sf AdPostBQP}\subseteq{\sf PSPACE}$. As a byproduct of this result, we show that any problem in ${\sf PostBQP}$ can be solved with only postselections of events that occur with probabilities polynomially close to one. Under the strongly believed assumption that ${\sf BQP}\nsupseteq{\sf SZK}$, or the shortest independent vectors problem cannot be efficiently solved with quantum computers, we also show that a single rewinding operator is sufficient to achieve tasks that are intractable for quantum computation. Finally, we show that rewindable Clifford circuits remain classically simulatable, but rewindable instantaneous quantum polynomial time circuits can solve any problem in ${\sf PP}$.

Ryo Hiromasa, Akihiro Mizutani, Yuki Takeuchi, Seiichiro Tani1/22/2025

arXiv:2403.18963v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The exploration of new problem classes for quantum computation is an active area of research. In this paper, we introduce and solve a novel problem class related to dynamics on large-scale networks relevant to neurobiology and machine learning. Specifically, we ask if a network can sustain inherent dynamic activity beyond some arbitrary observation time or if the activity ceases through quiescence or saturation via an epileptic-like state. We show that this class of problems can be formulated and structured to take advantage of quantum superposition and solved efficiently using the Deutsch-Jozsa and Grover quantum algorithms. To do so, we extend their functionality to address the unique requirements of how input (sub)sets into the algorithms must be mathematically structured while simultaneously constructing the inputs so that measurement outputs can be interpreted as meaningful properties of the network dynamics. This, in turn, allows us to answer the question we pose.

Gabriel A. Silva1/22/2025

arXiv:2312.09215v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Chebyshev polynomials have shown significant promise as an efficient tool for both classical and quantum neural networks to solve linear and nonlinear differential equations. In this work, we adapt and generalize this framework in a quantum machine learning setting for a variety of problems, including the 2D Poisson's equation, second-order linear differential equation, system of differential equations, nonlinear Duffing and Riccati equation. In particular, we propose in the quantum setting a modified Self-Adaptive Physics-Informed Neural Network (SAPINN) approach, where self-adaptive weights are applied to problems with multi-objective loss functions. We further explore capturing correlations in our loss function using a quantum-correlated measurement, resulting in improved accuracy for initial value problems. We analyse also the use of entangling layers and their impact on the solution accuracy for second-order differential equations. The results indicate a promising approach to the near-term evaluation of differential equations on quantum devices.

Abhishek Setty, Rasul Abdusalamov, Felix Motzoi1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10414v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we propose a unified approach to harness quantum conformal methods for multi-output distributions, with a particular emphasis on two experimental paradigms: (i) a standard 2-qubit circuit scenario producing a four-dimensional outcome distribution, and (ii) a multi-basis measurement setting that concatenates measurement probabilities in different bases (Z, X, Y) into a twelve-dimensional output space. By combining a multioutput regression model (e.g., random forests) with distributional conformal prediction, we validate coverage and interval-set sizes on both simulated quantum data and multi-basis measurement data. Our results confirm that classical conformal prediction can effectively provide coverage guarantees even when the target probabilities derive from inherently quantum processes. Such synergy opens the door to next-generation quantum-classical hybrid frameworks, providing both improved interpretability and rigorous coverage for quantum machine learning tasks. All codes and full reproducible Colab notebooks are made available at https://github.com/detasar/QECMMOU.

Emre Tasar1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10435v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This research introduces a hybrid classical-quantum framework for text classification, integrating GPT-Neo 125M with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) using quantum computing backends. While the GPT-Neo 125M baseline remains the best-performing model, the implementation of LoRA and SMOTE enhances the hybrid model, resulting in improved accuracy, faster convergence, and better generalization. Experiments on IBM's 127-qubit quantum backend and Pennylane's 32-qubit simulation demonstrate the viability of combining classical neural networks with quantum circuits. This framework underscores the potential of hybrid architectures for advancing natural language processing applications.

Santanam Wishal1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10431v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Principal component analysis is commonly used for dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, denoising, and visualization. The most commonly used principal component analysis method is based upon optimization of the L2-norm, however, the L2-norm is known to exaggerate the contribution of errors and outliers. When optimizing over the L1-norm, the components generated are known to exhibit robustness or resistance to outliers in the data. The L1-norm components can be solved for with a binary optimization problem. Previously, L1-BF has been used to solve the binary optimization for multiple components simultaneously. In this paper we propose QAPCA, a new method for finding principal components using quantum annealing hardware which will optimize over the robust L1-norm. The conditions required for convergence of the annealing problem are discussed. The potential speedup when using quantum annealing is demonstrated through complexity analysis and experimental results. To showcase performance against classical principal component analysis techniques experiments upon synthetic Gaussian data, a fault detection scenario and breast cancer diagnostic data are studied. We find that the reconstruction error when using QAPCA is comparable to that when using L1-BF.

Ian Tomeo (Rochester Institute of Technology), Panos P. Markopoulos (The University of Texas at San Antonio), Andreas Savakis (Rochester Institute of Technology)1/22/2025

arXiv:2407.10533v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Trotter product formulas constitute a cornerstone quantum Hamiltonian simulation technique. However, the efficient implementation of Hamiltonian evolution of nested commutators remains an under explored area. In this work, we construct optimized product formulas of orders 3 to 6 approximating the exponential of a commutator of two arbitrary operators in terms of the exponentials of the operators involved. The new schemes require a reduced number of exponentials and thus provide more efficient approximations than other previously published alternatives. They can also be used as basic methods in recursive procedures to increase the order of approximation. We expect this research will improve the efficiency of quantum control protocols, as well as quantum algorithms such as the Zassenhaus-based product formula, Magnus operator-based time-dependent simulation, and product formula schemes with modified potentials.

F. Casas, A. Escorihuela-Tom\`as, P. A. Moreno Casares1/22/2025

arXiv:2411.13742v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We numerically benchmark 30 optimisers on 372 instances of the variational quantum eigensolver for solving the Fermi-Hubbard system with the Hamiltonian variational ansatz. We rank the optimisers with respect to metrics such as final energy achieved and function calls needed to get within a certain tolerance level, and find that the best performing optimisers are variants of gradient descent such as Momentum and ADAM (using finite difference), SPSA, CMAES, and BayesMGD. We also perform gradient analysis and observe that the step size for finite difference has a very significant impact. We also consider using simultaneous perturbation (inspired by SPSA) as a gradient subroutine: here finite difference can lead to a more precise estimate of the ground state but uses more calls, whereas simultaneous perturbation can converge quicker but may be less precise in the later stages. Finally, we also study the quantum natural gradient algorithm: we implement this method for 1-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard systems, and find that whilst it can reach a lower energy with fewer iterations, this improvement is typically lost when taking total function calls into account. Our method involves performing careful hyperparameter sweeping on 4 instances. We present a variety of analysis and figures, detailed optimiser notes, and discuss future directions.

Benjamin D. M. Jones, Lana Mineh, Ashley Montanaro1/22/2025