
65 posts

arXiv:2412.20241v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: This paper investigates the application of quantum machine learning to End-to-End (E2E) communication systems in wireless fading scenarios. We introduce a novel hybrid quantum-classical autoencoder architecture that combines parameterized quantum circuits with classical deep neural networks (DNNs). Specifically, we propose a hybrid quantum-classical autoencoder (QAE) framework to optimize the E2E communication system. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed hybrid system, and reveal that it is the first work that can achieve comparable block error rate (BLER) performance to classical DNN-based and conventional channel coding schemes, while significantly reducing the number of trainable parameters. Additionally, the proposed QAE exhibits steady and superior BLER convergence over the classical autoencoder baseline.

Bolun Zhang, Gan Zheng, Nguyen Van Huynh1/3/2025

arXiv:2411.03305v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The meteoric rise in power and popularity of machine learning models dependent on valuable training data has reignited a basic tension between the power of running a program locally and the risk of exposing details of that program to the user. At the same time, fundamental properties of quantum states offer new solutions to data and program security that can require strikingly few quantum resources to exploit, and offer advantages outside of mere computational run time. In this work, we demonstrate such a solution with quantum one-time tokens. A quantum one-time token is a quantum state that permits a certain program to be evaluated exactly once. One-time security guarantees, roughly, that the token cannot be used to evaluate the program more than once. We propose a scheme for building quantum one-time tokens for any randomized classical program, which include generative AI models. We prove that the scheme satisfies an interesting definition of one-time security as long as outputs of the classical algorithm have high enough min-entropy, in a black box model. Importantly, the classical program being protected does not need to be implemented coherently on a quantum computer. In fact, the size and complexity of the quantum one-time token is independent of the program being protected, and additional quantum resources serve only to increase the security of the protocol. Due to this flexibility in adjusting the security, we believe that our proposal is parsimonious enough to serve as a promising candidate for a near-term useful demonstration of quantum computing in either the NISQ or early fault tolerant regime.

Sam Gunn, Ramis Movassagh1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00951v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We introduce the pseudorandom quantum authentication scheme (PQAS), an efficient method for encrypting quantum states that relies solely on the existence of pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs). The scheme guarantees that for any eavesdropper with quantum polynomial-time (QPT) computational power, the encrypted states are indistinguishable from the maximally mixed state. Furthermore, the receiver can verify that the state has not been tampered with and recover the original state with asymptotically unit fidelity. Our scheme is cost-effective, requiring only polylogarithmic circuit depth and a single shared key to encrypt a polynomial number of states. Notably, the PQAS can potentially exist even without quantum-secure one-way functions, requiring fundamentally weaker computational assumptions than semantic classical cryptography. Additionally, PQAS is secure against attacks that plague protocols based on QPT indistinguishability from Haar random states, such as chosen-plaintext attacks (CPAs) and attacks that reveal meta-information such as quantum resources. We relate the amount of meta-information that is leaked to quantum pseudoresources, giving the concept a practical meaning. As an application, we construct important cryptographic primitives, such as verifiable pseudorandom density matrices (VPRDMs), which are QPT-indistinguishable from random mixed states while being efficiently verifiable via a secret key, as well as verifiable noise-robust EFI pairs and one-way state generators (OWSGs). Our results establish a new paradigm of quantum information processing with weaker computational assumptions.

Tobias Haug, Nikhil Bansal, Wai-Keong Mok, Dax Enshan Koh, Kishor Bharti1/3/2025

arXiv:2404.00062v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Post Quantum and Quantum Cryptography schemes are feasible quantum computer applications for 7G networks. These schemes could possibly replace existing schemes. These algorithms have been compromised by advances in quantum search algorithms run on quantum computers like Shor algorithm. Shor algorithm is a quantum algorithm for finding the prime factors of an integer which is the basis of existing algorithm. This has become an available quantum computer application putting the use of ESA algorithm at risk. Our recent paper provides a detailed survey of the work on post quantum and quantum cryptography algorithms with focus on their applicability in 7G networks. Since the paper focuses on the cryptography algorithms as a follow up, in this paper, we provide a new framework for quantum network optimization and survey in detail the work on enabling technologies (quantum hardware) for the practical implementation of these algorithms including the most important segments of quantum hardware in 7G. As always in engineering practice practical solutions are a compromise between the performance and complexity of the implementation. For this reason, as the main contribution, the paper presents a network and computer applications optimization framework that includes implementation imperfections. The tools should be useful in optimizing future generation practical computer system design. After that a comprehensive survey of the existing work on quantum hardware is presented pointing out the sources of these imperfections. This enables us to make a fair assessment of how much investment into quantum hardware improvements contributes to the performance enhancement of the overall system. In this way a decision can be made on proper partitioning between the investment in hardware and system level complexity.

Savo Glisic1/3/2025

arXiv:2311.05546v4 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning is becoming increasingly more important in times of autonomous driving and other smart industrial applications. Simultaneously a promising new approach to Reinforcement Learning arises using the inherent properties of quantum mechanics, reducing the trainable parameters of a model significantly. However, gradient-based Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning methods often have to struggle with barren plateaus, holding them back from matching the performance of classical approaches. While gradient free Quantum Reinforcement Learning methods may alleviate some of these challenges, they too are not immune to the difficulties posed by barren plateaus. We build upon an existing approach for gradient free Quantum Reinforcement Learning and propose three genetic variations with Variational Quantum Circuits for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning using evolutionary optimization. We evaluate our genetic variations in the Coin Game environment and also compare them to classical approaches. We showed that our Variational Quantum Circuit approaches perform significantly better compared to a neural network with a similar amount of trainable parameters. Compared to the larger neural network, our approaches archive similar results using $97.88\%$ less parameters.

Michael K\"olle, Felix Topp, Thomy Phan, Philipp Altmann, Jonas N\"u{\ss}lein, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien1/3/2025

arXiv:2408.08941v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Optimizing quantum circuits is critical for enhancing computational speed and mitigating errors caused by quantum noise. Effective optimization must be achieved without compromising the correctness of the computations. This survey explores re-cent advancements in quantum circuit optimization, encompassing both hardware-independent and hardware-dependent techniques. It reviews state-of-the-art approaches, including analytical algorithms, heuristic strategies, machine learning based methods, and hybrid quantum-classical frameworks. The paper highlights the strengths and limitations of each method, along with the challenges they pose. Furthermore, it identifies potential research opportunities in this evolving field, offering insights into the future directions of quantum circuit optimization.

Krishnageetha Karuppasamy, Varun Puram, Stevens Johnson, Johnson P Thomas1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00754v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The learner's ability to generate a hypothesis that closely approximates the target function is crucial in machine learning. Achieving this requires sufficient data; however, unauthorized access by an eavesdropping learner can lead to security risks. Thus, it is important to ensure the performance of the "authorized" learner by limiting the quality of the training data accessible to eavesdroppers. Unlike previous studies focusing on encryption or access controls, we provide a theorem to ensure superior learning outcomes exclusively for the authorized learner with quantum label encoding. In this context, we use the probably-approximately-correct (PAC) learning framework and introduce the concept of learning probability to quantitatively assess learner performance. Our theorem allows the condition that, given a training dataset, an authorized learner is guaranteed to achieve a certain quality of learning outcome, while eavesdroppers are not. Notably, this condition can be constructed based only on the authorized-learning-only measurable quantities of the training data, i.e., its size and noise degree. We validate our theoretical proofs and predictions through convolutional neural networks (CNNs) image classification learning.

Jeongho Bang, Wooyeong Song, Kyujin Shin, Yong-Su Kim1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00916v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We present two Device Independent Quantum Random Number Generator (DI-QRNG) protocols using two self-testing methodologies in Preparation \& Measure (P\&M) scenario. These two methodologies are the variants of two well-known non-local games, namely, CHSH and pseudo-telepathy games, in P\&M framework. We exploit them as distinguishers in black-box settings to differentiate the classical and the quantum paradigms and hence to certify the Device Independence. The first self-test was proposed by Tavakoli et al. (Phys. Rev. A, 2018). We show that this is actually a P\&M variant of the CHSH game. Then based on this self-test, we design our first DI-QRNG protocol. We also propose a new self-testing methodology, which is the first of its kind that is reducible from pseudo-telepathy game in P\&M framework. Based on this new self-test, we design our second DI-QRNG protocol.

Asmita Samanta, Arpita Maitra, Goutam Paul1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01058v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The MaxCut problem is a fundamental problem in Combinatorial Optimization, with significant implications across diverse domains such as logistics, network design, and statistical physics. The algorithm represents innovative approaches that balance theoretical rigor with practical scalability. The proposed method introduces a Quantum Genetic Algorithm (QGA) using a Grover-based evolutionary framework and divide-and-conquer principles. By partitioning graphs into manageable subgraphs, optimizing each independently, and applying graph contraction to merge the solutions, the method exploits the inherent binary symmetry of MaxCut to ensure computational efficiency and robust approximation performance. Theoretical analysis establishes a foundation for the efficiency of the algorithm, while empirical evaluations provide quantitative evidence of its effectiveness. On complete graphs, the proposed method consistently achieves the true optimal MaxCut values, outperforming the Semidefinite Programming (SDP) approach, which provides up to 99.7\% of the optimal solution for larger graphs. On Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi random graphs, the QGA demonstrates competitive performance, achieving median solutions within 92-96\% of the SDP results. These results showcase the potential of the QGA framework to deliver competitive solutions, even under heuristic constraints, while demonstrating its promise for scalability as quantum hardware evolves.

Paulo A. Viana, Fernando M. de Paula Neto1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01214v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We introduce a systematic study of "symmetric quantum circuits", a restricted model of quantum computation where the restriction is symmetry-based. This model is well-adapted for studying the role of symmetries in quantum speedups, and it extends a powerful notion of symmetric computation studied in the classical setting. We show that symmetric quantum circuits go beyond the capabilities of their classical counterparts by efficiently implementing key quantum subroutines such as amplitude amplification and phase estimation, as well as the linear combination of unitaries technique. In addition, we consider the task of symmetric state preparation and show that it can be performed efficiently in several interesting and nontrivial cases.

Davi Castro-Silva, Tom Gur, Sergii Strelchuk1/3/2025

arXiv:2210.13475v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: For many applications the presence of a quantum advantage crucially depends on the availability of resourceful states. Although the resource typically depends on the particular task, in the context of multipartite systems entangled quantum states are often regarded as resourceful. We propose an algorithmic method to find maximally resourceful states of several particles for various applications and quantifiers. We discuss in detail the case of the geometric measure, identifying physically interesting states and delivering insights to the problem of absolutely maximally entangled states. Moreover, we demonstrate the universality of our approach by applying it to maximally entangled subspaces, the Schmidt-rank, the stabilizer rank as well as the preparability in triangle networks.

Jonathan Steinberg, Otfried G\"uhne1/3/2025

arXiv:2309.09976v5 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Decision trees are widely adopted machine learning models due to their simplicity and explainability. However, as training data size grows, standard methods become increasingly slow, scaling polynomially with the number of training examples. In this work, we introduce Des-q, a novel quantum algorithm to construct and retrain decision trees for regression and binary classification tasks. Assuming the data stream produces small, periodic increments of new training examples, Des-q significantly reduces the tree retraining time. Des-q achieves a logarithmic complexity in the combined total number of old and new examples, even accounting for the time needed to load the new samples into quantum-accessible memory. Our approach to grow the tree from any given node involves performing piecewise linear splits to generate multiple hyperplanes, thus partitioning the input feature space into distinct regions. To determine the suitable anchor points for these splits, we develop an efficient quantum-supervised clustering method, building upon the q-means algorithm introduced by Kerenidis et al. We benchmark the simulated version of Des-q against the state-of-the-art classical methods on multiple data sets and observe that our algorithm exhibits similar performance to the state-of-the-art decision trees while significantly speeding up the periodic tree retraining.

Niraj Kumar, Romina Yalovetzky, Changhao Li, Pierre Minssen, Marco Pistoia1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00002v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper we present a QUBO formulation for the Takuzu game (or Binairo), for the most recent LinkedIn game, Tango, and for its generalizations. We optimize the number of variables needed to solve the combinatorial problem, making it suitable to be solved by quantum devices with fewer resources.

Alejandro Mata Ali, Edgar Mencia1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00436v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we present an intuitive analysis of the optimization technique based on the quantization of an objective function. Quantization of an objective function is an effective optimization methodology that decreases the measure of a level set containing several saddle points and local minima and finds the optimal point at the limit level set. To investigate the dynamics of quantization-based optimization, we derive an overdamped Langevin dynamics model from an intuitive analysis to minimize the level set by iterative quantization. We claim that quantization-based optimization involves the quantities of thermodynamical and quantum mechanical optimization as the core methodologies of global optimization. Furthermore, on the basis of the proposed SDE, we provide thermodynamic and quantum mechanical analysis with Witten-Laplacian. The simulation results with the benchmark functions, which compare the performance of the nonlinear optimization, demonstrate the validity of the quantization-based optimization.

Jinwuk Seok, Changsik Cho1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01154v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In probability theory, the partition function is a factor used to reduce any probability function to a density function with total probability of one. Among other statistical models used to represent joint distribution, Markov random fields (MRF) can be used to efficiently represent statistical dependencies between variables. As the number of terms in the partition function scales exponentially with the number of variables, the potential of each configuration cannot be computed exactly in a reasonable time for large instances. In this paper, we aim to take advantage of the exponential scalability of quantum computing to speed up the estimation of the partition function of a MRF representing the dependencies between operating variables of an airborne radar. For that purpose, we implement a quantum algorithm for partition function estimation in the one clean qubit model. After proposing suitable formulations, we discuss the performances and scalability of our approach in comparison to the theoretical performances of the algorithm.

Timothe Presles, Cyrille Enderli, Gilles Burel, El Houssain Baghious1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01411v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We investigate the coboundary expansion property of product codes called product expansion, which plays an important role in the recent constructions of good quantum LDPC codes and classical locally testable codes. Prior research revealed that this property is equivalent to agreement testability and robust testability for products of two codes of linear distance. However, for products of more than two codes, product expansion is a strictly stronger property. In this paper, we prove that the collection of random codes over a sufficiently large field has good product expansion. We believe that in the case of four codes, these ideas can be used to construct good quantum locally testable codes in a way similar to the current constructions using only products of two codes.

Gleb Kalachev, Pavel Panteleev1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00135v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Quantum computing is an exciting non-Von Neumann paradigm, offering provable speedups over classical computing for specific problems. However, the practical limits of classical simulatability for quantum circuits remain unclear, especially with current noisy quantum devices. In this work, we explore the potential of leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to simulate the output of a quantum Turing machine using Grover's quantum circuits, known to provide quadratic speedups over classical counterparts. To this end, we developed GroverGPT, a specialized model based on LLaMA's 8-billion-parameter architecture, trained on over 15 trillion tokens. Unlike brute-force state-vector simulations, which demand substantial computational resources, GroverGPT employs pattern recognition to approximate quantum search algorithms without explicitly representing quantum states. Analyzing 97K quantum search instances, GroverGPT consistently outperformed OpenAI's GPT-4o (45\% accuracy), achieving nearly 100\% accuracy on 6- and 10-qubit datasets when trained on 4-qubit or larger datasets. It also demonstrated strong generalization, surpassing 95\% accuracy for systems with over 20 qubits when trained on 3- to 6-qubit data. Analysis indicates GroverGPT captures quantum features of Grover's search rather than classical patterns, supported by novel prompting strategies to enhance performance. Although accuracy declines with increasing system size, these findings offer insights into the practical boundaries of classical simulatability. This work suggests task-specific LLMs can surpass general-purpose models like GPT-4o in quantum algorithm learning and serve as powerful tools for advancing quantum research.

Haoran Wang, Pingzhi Li, Min Chen, Jinglei Cheng, Junyu Liu, Tianlong Chen1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00280v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the optimization of global quantum communication through satellite constellations. We address the challenge of quantum key distribution (QKD) across vast distances and the limitations posed by terrestrial fiber-optic networks. Our research focuses on the configuration of satellite constellations to improve QKD between ground stations and the application of innovative orbital mechanics to reduce latency in quantum information transfer. We introduce a novel approach using quantum relay satellites in Molniya orbits, enhancing communication efficiency and coverage. The use of these high eccentricity orbits allows us to extend the operational presence of satellites over targeted hemispheres, thus maximizing the quantum network's reach. Our findings provide a strategic framework for deploying quantum satellites and relay systems to achieve a robust and efficient global quantum communication network.

Yichen Gao, Guanqun Song, Ting Zhu1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00331v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Demonstrating small error rates by integrating quantum error correction (QEC) into an architecture of quantum computing is the next milestone towards scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC). Encoding logical qubits with superconducting qubits and surface codes is considered a promising candidate for FTQC architectures. In this paper, we propose an FTQC architecture, which we call Q3DE, that enhances the tolerance to multi-bit burst errors (MBBEs) by cosmic rays with moderate changes and overhead. There are three core components in Q3DE: in-situ anomaly DEtection, dynamic code DEformation, and optimized error DEcoding. In this architecture, MBBEs are detected only from syndrome values for error correction. The effect of MBBEs is immediately mitigated by dynamically increasing the encoding level of logical qubits and re-estimating probable recovery operation with the rollback of the decoding process. We investigate the performance and overhead of the Q3DE architecture with quantum-error simulators and demonstrate that Q3DE effectively reduces the period of MBBEs by 1000 times and halves the size of their region. Therefore, Q3DE significantly relaxes the requirement of qubit density and qubit chip size to realize FTQC. Our scheme is versatile for mitigating MBBEs, i.e., temporal variations of error properties, on a wide range of physical devices and FTQC architectures since it relies only on the standard features of topological stabilizer codes.

Yasunari Suzuki, Takanori Sugiyama, Tomochika Arai, Wang Liao, Koji Inoue, Teruo Tanimoto1/3/2025

arXiv:2411.19906v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: L-systems can be made to model and create simulations of many biological processes, such as plant development. Finding an L-system for a given process is typically solved by hand, by experts, in a massively time-consuming process. It would be significant if this could be done automatically from data, such as from sequences of images. In this paper, we are interested in inferring a particular type of L-system, deterministic context-free L-system (D0L-system) from a sequence of strings. We introduce the characteristic graph of a sequence of strings, which we then utilize to translate our problem (inferring D0L-system) in polynomial time into the maximum independent set problem (MIS) and the SAT problem. After that, we offer a classical exact algorithm and an approximate quantum algorithm for the problem.

Ali Lotfi, Ian McQuillan, Steven Rayan1/3/2025