
11 posts

arXiv:2501.00701v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Analyzing long-term behaviors in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems remains a significant challenge. The Koopman operator framework has emerged as a powerful tool to address this issue by providing a globally linear perspective on nonlinear dynamics. However, existing methods for approximating the Koopman operator and its spectral components, particularly in large-scale systems, often lack robust theoretical guarantees. Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition (ResDMD) introduces a spectral residual measure to assess the convergence of the estimated Koopman spectrum, which helps filter out spurious spectral components. Nevertheless, it depends on pre-computed spectra, thereby inheriting their inaccuracies. To overcome its limitations, we introduce the Neural Network-ResDMD (NN-ResDMD), a method that directly estimates Koopman spectral components by minimizing the spectral residual. By leveraging neural networks, NN-ResDMD automatically identifies the optimal basis functions of the Koopman invariant subspace, eliminating the need for manual selection and improving the reliability of the analysis. Experiments on physical and biological systems demonstrate that NN-ResDMD significantly improves both accuracy and scalability, making it an effective tool for analyzing complex dynamical systems.

Yuanchao Xu, Kaidi Shao, Nikos Logothetis, Zhongwei Shen1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00762v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable empirical success in processing and representing graph-structured data across various domains. However, a significant challenge known as "oversmoothing" persists, where vertex features become nearly indistinguishable in deep GNNs, severely restricting their expressive power and practical utility. In this work, we analyze the asymptotic oversmoothing rates of deep GNNs with and without residual connections by deriving explicit convergence rates for a normalized vertex similarity measure. Our analytical framework is grounded in the multiplicative ergodic theorem. Furthermore, we demonstrate that adding residual connections effectively mitigates or prevents oversmoothing across several broad families of parameter distributions. The theoretical findings are strongly supported by numerical experiments.

Ziang Chen, Zhengjiang Lin, Shi Chen, Yury Polyanskiy, Philippe Rigollet1/3/2025

arXiv:2409.00795v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Malaria is one of the deadliest diseases in the world, every year millions of people become victims of this disease and many even lose their lives. Medical professionals and the government could take accurate measures to protect the people only when the disease dynamics are understood clearly. In this work, we propose a compartmental model to study the dynamics of malaria. We consider the transmission rate dependent on temperature and altitude. We performed the steady state analysis on the proposed model and checked the stability of the disease-free and endemic steady state. An artificial neural network (ANN) is applied to the formulated model to predict the trajectory of all five compartments following the mathematical analysis. Three different neural network architectures namely Artificial neural network (ANN), convolution neural network (CNN), and Recurrent neural network (RNN) are used to estimate these parameters from the trajectory of the data. To understand the severity of a disease, it is essential to calculate the risk associated with the disease. In this work, the risk is calculated using dynamic mode decomposition(DMD) from the trajectory of the infected people.

Adithya Rajnarayanan, Manoj Kumar, Abdessamad Tridane1/3/2025

arXiv:2407.12527v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM) is the most widely used velocity discretiza-tion method for simulating the radiative transport equation. However, the ray effect is a long-standing drawback of DOM. In benchmark tests that exhibit the ray effect, we observe low regularity in the velocity variable of the solution. To address this issue, we propose a Random Ordinate Method (ROM) to mitigate the ray effect. Compared to other strategies proposed in the literature for mitigating the ray effect, ROM offers several advantages: 1) the computational cost is comparable to that of DOM; 2) it is simple and requires minimal changes to existing DOM-based code; 3) it is easily parallelizable and independent of the problem setup. A formal analysis is presented for the convergence orders of the error and bias. Numerical tests demonstrate the reduction in computational cost compared toDOM, as well as its effectiveness in mitigating the ray effect.

Lei Li, Min Tang, Yuqi Yang12/25/2024

arXiv:2412.18344v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Nonlinear mathematical models introduce the relation between various physical and biological interactions present in nature. One of the most famous models is the Lotka-Volterra model which defined the interaction between predator and prey species present in nature. However, predators, scavengers, and prey populations coexist in a natural system where scavengers can additionally rely on the dead bodies of predators present in the system. Keeping this in mind, the formulation and simulation of the predator prey scavenger model is introduced in this paper. For the predation response, respective prey species are assumed to have Holling's functional response of type III. The proposed model is tested for various simulations and is found to be showing satisfactory results in different scenarios. After simulations, the American forest dataset is taken for parameter estimation which imitates the real-world case. For parameter estimation, a physics-informed deep neural network is used with the Adam backpropagation method which prevents the avalanche effect in trainable parameters updation. For neural networks, mean square error and physics-informed informed error are considered. After the neural network, the hence-found parameters are fine-tuned using the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. Finally, the hence-found parameters using a natural dataset are tested for stability using Jacobian stability analysis. Future research work includes minimization of error induced by parameters, bifurcation analysis, and sensitivity analysis of the parameters.

Aneesh Panchal, Kirti Beniwal, Vivek Kumar12/25/2024

arXiv:2412.18360v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this work, we consider the problem of learning nonlinear operators that correspond to discrete-time nonlinear dynamical systems with inputs. Given an initial state and a finite input trajectory, such operators yield a finite output trajectory compatible with the system dynamics. Inspired by the universal approximation theorem of operators tailored to radial basis functions neural networks, we construct a class of kernel functions as the product of kernel functions in the space of input trajectories and initial states, respectively. We prove that for positive definite kernel functions, the resulting product reproducing kernel Hilbert space is dense and even complete in the space of nonlinear systems operators, under suitable assumptions. This provides a universal kernel-functions-based framework for learning nonlinear systems operators, which is intuitive and easy to apply to general nonlinear systems.

Mircea Lazar12/25/2024

arXiv:2407.10854v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We present a computational technique for modeling the evolution of dynamical systems in a reduced basis, with a focus on the challenging problem of modeling partially-observed partial differential equations (PDEs) on high-dimensional non-uniform grids. We address limitations of previous work on data-driven flow map learning in the sense that we focus on noisy and limited data to move toward data collection scenarios in real-world applications. Leveraging recent work on modeling PDEs in modal and nodal spaces, we present a neural network structure that is suitable for PDE modeling with noisy and limited data available only on a subset of the state variables or computational domain. In particular, spatial grid-point measurements are reduced using a learned linear transformation, after which the dynamics are learned in this reduced basis before being transformed back out to the nodal space. This approach yields a drastically reduced parameterization of the neural network compared with previous flow map models for nodal space learning. This allows for rapid high-resolution simulations, enabled by smaller training data sets and reduced training times.

Victor Churchill12/25/2024

arXiv:2412.17568v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper focuses on what we call Reaction Network Cardon Dioxide Removal (RNDCR) framework to analyze several proposed negative emissions technologies (NETs) so as to determine when present-day Earth carbon cycle system would exhibit multistationarity (steady-state multiplicity) or possibly monostationarity, that will in effect lower the rising earth temperature. Using mathematical modeling based on the techniques of chemical reaction network theory (CRNT), we propose an RNDCR system consisting of the Anderies subnetwork, fossil fuel emission reaction, the carbon capture subnetwork and the carbon storage subnetwork. The RNCDR framework analysis was done in the cases of two NETs: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage and Afforestation/Reforestation. It was found out that these two methods of carbon dioxide removal are almost similar with respect to their network properties and their capacities to exhibit multistationarity and absolute concentration robustness in certain species.

Noel Fortun, Piolo Gaspar, Editha Jose, Angelyn Lao, Eduardo Mendoza, Luis Razon12/24/2024

arXiv:2412.16588v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The Koopman operator provides a linear framework to study nonlinear dynamical systems. Its spectra offer valuable insights into system dynamics, but the operator can exhibit both discrete and continuous spectra, complicating direct computations. In this paper, we introduce a kernel-based method to construct the principal eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator without explicitly computing the operator itself. These principal eigenfunctions are associated with the equilibrium dynamics, and their eigenvalues match those of the linearization of the nonlinear system at the equilibrium point. We exploit the structure of the principal eigenfunctions by decomposing them into linear and nonlinear components. The linear part corresponds to the left eigenvector of the system's linearization at the equilibrium, while the nonlinear part is obtained by solving a partial differential equation (PDE) using kernel methods. Our approach avoids common issues such as spectral pollution and spurious eigenvalues, which can arise in previous methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm through numerical examples.

Jonghyeon Lee, Boumediene Hamzi, Boya Hou, Houman Owhadi, Gabriele Santin, Umesh Vaidya12/24/2024

arXiv:2412.15425v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The finitary isomorphism theorem, due to Keane and Smorodinsky, raised the natural question of how "finite" the isomorphism can be, in terms of moments of the coding radius. More precisely, for which values does there exist an isomorphism between any two i.i.d. processes of equal entropy, with coding radii exhibiting finite t-moments? [3, 4]. Parry [13] and Krieger [10] showed that those finite moments must be lesser than 1 in general, and Harvey and Peres [5] showed that they must be lesser than 1/2 in general. However, the question for the range between 0 and 1/2 remained open, and in fact no general construction of an isomorphism was shown to exhibit any non trivial finite moments. In the present work we settle this problem, showing that between any two aperiodic Markov processes (and i.i.d. processes in particular) of the same entropy, there exists an isomorphism f with coding radii exhibiting finite t-moments for all t in (0,1/2). The isomorphism is constructed explicitly, and the tails of the radii are shown to be optimal up to a poly-logarithmic factor.

Uri Gabor12/23/2024

arXiv:2407.12864v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Time-evolving graphs arise frequently when modeling complex dynamical systems such as social networks, traffic flow, and biological processes. Developing techniques to identify and analyze communities in these time-varying graph structures is an important challenge. In this work, we generalize existing spectral clustering algorithms from static to dynamic graphs using canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to capture the temporal evolution of clusters. Based on this extended canonical correlation framework, we define the spatio-temporal graph Laplacian and investigate its spectral properties. We connect these concepts to dynamical systems theory via transfer operators, and illustrate the advantages of our method on benchmark graphs by comparison with existing methods. We show that the spatio-temporal graph Laplacian allows for a clear interpretation of cluster structure evolution over time for directed and undirected graphs.

Maia Trower, Nata\v{s}a Djurdjevac Conrad, Stefan Klus12/23/2024