2 postsarXiv:2412.15436v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: This memorial article for Mark Sapir provides a brief overview of his life and career. Among his many contributions we highlight two of his most celebrated achievements: his groundbreaking solutions to Burnside-type problems for semigroups and his innovative construction of S-machines. Additionally, reflections from his colleagues and friends offer a heartfelt tribute, blending professional insights with personal memories.
arXiv:2408.00949v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Equivariant neural networks are neural networks with symmetry. Motivated by the theory of group representations, we decompose the layers of an equivariant neural network into simple representations. The nonlinear activation functions lead to interesting nonlinear equivariant maps between simple representations. For example, the rectified linear unit (ReLU) gives rise to piecewise linear maps. We show that these considerations lead to a filtration of equivariant neural networks, generalizing Fourier series. This observation might provide a useful tool for interpreting equivariant neural networks.