4 postsarXiv:2501.00657v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Relative pose (position and orientation) estimation is an essential component of many robotics applications. Fiducial markers, such as the AprilTag visual fiducial system, yield a relative pose measurement from a single marker detection and provide a powerful tool for pose estimation. In this paper, we perform a Lie algebraic nonlinear observability analysis on a nonlinear dual quaternion system that is composed of a relative pose measurement model and a relative motion model. We prove that many common dual quaternion expressions yield Jacobian matrices with advantageous block structures and rank properties that are beneficial for analysis. We show that using a dual quaternion representation yields an observability matrix with a simple block triangular structure and satisfies the necessary full rank condition.
arXiv:2410.10137v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We develop Riemannian approaches to variational autoencoders (VAEs) for PDE-type ambient data with regularizing geometric latent dynamics, which we refer to as VAE-DLM, or VAEs with dynamical latent manifolds. We redevelop the VAE framework such that manifold geometries, subject to our geometric flow, embedded in Euclidean space are learned in the intermediary latent space developed by encoders and decoders. By tailoring the geometric flow in which the latent space evolves, we induce latent geometric properties of our choosing, which are reflected in empirical performance. We reformulate the traditional evidence lower bound (ELBO) loss with a considerate choice of prior. We develop a linear geometric flow with a steady-state regularizing term. This flow requires only automatic differentiation of one time derivative, and can be solved in moderately high dimensions in a physics-informed approach, allowing more expressive latent representations. We discuss how this flow can be formulated as a gradient flow, and maintains entropy away from metric singularity. This, along with an eigenvalue penalization condition, helps ensure the manifold is sufficiently large in measure, nondegenerate, and a canonical geometry, which contribute to a robust representation. Our methods focus on the modified multi-layer perceptron architecture with tanh activations for the manifold encoder-decoder. We demonstrate, on our datasets of interest, our methods perform at least as well as the traditional VAE, and oftentimes better. Our methods can outperform this and a VAE endowed with our proposed architecture, frequently reducing out-of-distribution (OOD) error between 15% to 35% on select datasets. We highlight our method on ambient PDEs whose solutions maintain minimal variation in late times. We provide empirical justification towards how we can improve robust learning for external dynamics with VAEs.
arXiv:2412.17694v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We propose and study a novel efficient algorithm for clustering and classification tasks based on the famous MBO scheme. On the one hand, inspired by Jacobs et al. [J. Comp. Phys. 2018], we introduce constraints on the size of clusters leading to a linear integer problem. We prove that the solution to this problem is induced by a novel order statistic. This viewpoint allows us to develop exact and highly efficient algorithms to solve such constrained integer problems. On the other hand, we prove an estimate of the computational complexity of our scheme, which is better than any available provable bounds for the state of the art. This rigorous analysis is based on a variational viewpoint that connects this scheme to volume-preserving mean curvature flow in the big data and small time-step limit.
arXiv:2412.13372v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: For a given ground cost, approximating the Monge optimal transport map that pushes forward a given probability measure onto another has become a staple in several modern machine learning algorithms. The fourth-order Ma-Trudinger-Wang (MTW) tensor associated with this ground cost function provides a notion of curvature in optimal transport. The non-negativity of this tensor plays a crucial role for establishing continuity for the Monge optimal transport map. It is, however, generally difficult to analytically verify this condition for any given ground cost. To expand the class of cost functions for which MTW non-negativity can be verified, we propose a provably correct computational approach which provides certificates of non-negativity for the MTW tensor using Sum-of-Squares (SOS) programming. We further show that our SOS technique can also be used to compute an inner approximation of the region where MTW non-negativity holds. We apply our proposed SOS programming method to several practical ground cost functions to approximate the regions of regularity of their corresponding optimal transport maps.