9 postsarXiv:2501.00345v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this work, we develop a novel neural network (NN) approach to solve the discrete inverse conductivity problem of recovering the conductivity profile on network edges from the discrete Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on a square lattice. The novelty of the approach lies in the fact that the sought-after conductivity is not provided directly as the output of the NN but is instead encoded in the weights of the post-trainig NN in the second layer. Hence the weights of the trained NN acquire a clear physical meaning, which contrasts with most existing neural network approaches, where the weights are typically not interpretable. This work represents a step toward designing NNs with interpretable post-training weights. Numerically, we observe that the method outperforms the conventional Curtis-Morrow algorithm for both noisy full and partial data.
arXiv:2501.00389v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study the momentum-based minimization of a diffuse perimeter functional on Euclidean spaces and on graphs with applications to semi-supervised classification tasks in machine learning. While the gradient flow in the task at hand is a parabolic partial differential equation, the momentum-method corresponds to a damped hyperbolic PDE, leading to qualitatively and quantitatively different trajectories. Using a convex-concave splitting-based FISTA-type time discretization, we demonstrate empirically that momentum can lead to faster convergence if the time step size is large but not too large. With large time steps, the PDE analysis offers only limited insight into the geometric behavior of solutions and typical hyperbolic phenomena like loss of regularity are not be observed in sample simulations.
arXiv:2412.18338v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We establish weak convergence rates for spectral Galerkin approximations of the stochastic viscous Burgers equation driven by additive trace-class noise. Our results complement the known results regarding strong convergence; we obtain essential weak convergence rate 2. As expected, this is twice the known strong rate. The main ingredients of the proof are novel regularity results on the solutions of the associated Kolmogorov equations.
arXiv:2412.18475v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Non-local systems of conservation laws play a crucial role in modeling flow mechanisms across various scenarios. The well-posedness of such problems is typically established by demonstrating the convergence of robust first-order schemes. However, achieving more accurate solutions necessitates the development of higher-order schemes. In this article, we present a fully discrete, second-order scheme for a general class of non-local conservation law systems in multiple spatial dimensions. The method employs a MUSCL-type spatial reconstruction coupled with Runge-Kutta time integration. The proposed scheme is proven to preserve positivity in all the unknowns and exhibits L-infinity stability. Numerical experiments conducted on both the non-local scalar and system cases illustrate the8 importance of second-order scheme when compared to its first-order counterpart.
arXiv:2412.16775v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study evolution equations on metric graphs with reservoirs, that is graphs where a one-dimensional interval is associated to each edge and, in addition, the vertices are able to store and exchange mass with these intervals. Focusing on the case where the dynamics are driven by an entropy functional defined both on the metric edges and vertices, we provide a rigorous understanding of such systems of coupled ordinary and partial differential equations as (generalized) gradient flows in continuity equation format. Approximating the edges by a sequence of vertices, which yields a fully discrete system, we are able to establish existence of solutions in this formalism. Furthermore, we study several scaling limits using the recently developed framework of EDP convergence with embeddings to rigorously show convergence to gradient flows on reduced metric and combinatorial graphs. Finally, numerical studies confirm our theoretical findings and provide additional insights into the dynamics under rescaling.
arXiv:2308.15083v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: By a semi-Lagrangian change of coordinates, the hydrostatic Euler equations describing free-surface sheared flows is rewritten as a system of quasilinear equations, where stability conditions can be determined by the analysis of its hyperbolic structure. The system one obtains can be written as a quasi linear system in time and horizontal variables and involves no more vertical derivatives. However, the coefficients in front of the horizontal derivatives include an integral operator acting on the new vertical variable. The spectrum of these operators is studied in detail, in particular it includes a continuous part. Riemann invariants are then determined as conserved quantities along the characteristic curves. Examples of solutions are provided, in particular stationary solutions and solutions blowing-up in finite time. Eventually, we propose an exact multilayer $\mathbb{P}_0$-discretization, which could be used to solve numerically this semi-Lagrangian system, and analyze the eigenvalues of the corresponding discretized operator to investigate the hyperbolic nature of the approximated system.
arXiv:2412.16580v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a numerical counterpart of the KPP equation. We obtain the existence of monostable fronts for all super-critical speeds in the regime where the spatial step size is small. The key strategy is to transfer the invertibility of certain linear operators related to the front solutions from the continuous setting to the discrete case we are interested in. We rely on resolvent bounds which are uniform with respect to the step size, a procedure which is also known as spectral convergence. The approach is also able to handle infinite range discretizations with geometrically decaying coefficients that are allowed to have both signs, which prevents the use of the comparison principle.
arXiv:2412.17694v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We propose and study a novel efficient algorithm for clustering and classification tasks based on the famous MBO scheme. On the one hand, inspired by Jacobs et al. [J. Comp. Phys. 2018], we introduce constraints on the size of clusters leading to a linear integer problem. We prove that the solution to this problem is induced by a novel order statistic. This viewpoint allows us to develop exact and highly efficient algorithms to solve such constrained integer problems. On the other hand, we prove an estimate of the computational complexity of our scheme, which is better than any available provable bounds for the state of the art. This rigorous analysis is based on a variational viewpoint that connects this scheme to volume-preserving mean curvature flow in the big data and small time-step limit.
arXiv:2412.05399v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: In this work we explore the fidelity of numerical approximations to continuous spectra of hyperbolic partial differential equation systems with variable coefficients. We are particularly interested in the ability of discrete methods to accurately discover sources of physical instabilities. By focusing on the perturbed equations that arise in linearized problems, we apply high-order accurate summation-by-parts finite difference operators, with weak enforcement of boundary conditions through the simultaneous-approximation-term technique, which leads to a provably stable numerical discretization with formal order of accuracy given by p = 2, 3, 4 and 5. We derive analytic solutions using Laplace transform methods, which provide important ground truth for ensuring numerical convergence at the correct theoretical rate. We find that the continuous spectrum is better captured with mesh refinement, although dissipative strict stability (where the growth rate of the discrete problem is bounded above by the continuous) is not obtained. We also find that sole reliance on mesh refinement can be a problematic means for determining physical growth rates as some eigenvalues emerge (and persist with mesh refinement) based on spatial order of accuracy but are non-physical. We suggest that numerical methods be used to approximate discrete spectra when numerical stability is guaranteed and convergence of the discrete spectra is evident with both mesh refinement and increasing order of accuracy.