21 postsarXiv:2501.11944v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this work, we establish that discontinuous Galerkin methods are capable of producing reliable approximations for a broad class of nonlinear variational problems. In particular, we demonstrate that these schemes provide essential flexibility by removing inter-element continuity while also guaranteeing convergent approximations in the quasiconvex case. Notably, quasiconvexity is the weakest form of convexity pertinent to elasticity. Furthermore, we show that in the non-convex case discrete minimisers converge to minimisers of the relaxed problem. In this case, the minimisation problem corresponds to the energy defined by the quasiconvex envelope of the original energy. Our approach covers all discontinuous Galerkin formulations known to converge for convex energies. This work addresses an open challenge in the vectorial calculus of variations: developing and rigorously justifying numerical schemes capable of reliably approximating nonlinear energy minimization problems with potentially singular solutions, which are frequently encountered in materials science.
arXiv:2402.00406v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a general constructive method to compute solutions of initial value problems of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations on hyper-rectangular domains via semigroup theory and computer-assisted proofs. Once a numerical candidate for the solution is obtained via a finite dimensional projection, Chebyshev series expansions are used to solve the linearized equations about the approximation from which a solution map operator is constructed. Using the solution operator (which exists from semigroup theory), we define an infinite dimensional contraction operator whose unique fixed point together with its rigorous bounds provide the local inclusion of the solution. Applying this technique for multiple time steps leads to constructive proofs of existence of solutions over long time intervals. As applications, we study the 3D/2D Swift-Hohenberg, where we combine our method with explicit constructions of trapping regions to prove global existence of solutions of initial value problems converging asymptotically to nontrivial equilibria. A second application consists of the 2D Ohta-Kawasaki equation, providing a framework for handling derivatives in nonlinear terms.
arXiv:2401.14894v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: This paper is focused on the convergence analysis of an adaptive stochastic collocation algorithm for the stationary diffusion equation with parametric coefficient. The algorithm employs sparse grid collocation in the parameter domain alongside finite element approximations in the spatial domain, and adaptivity is driven by recently proposed parametric and spatial a posteriori error indicators. We prove that for a general diffusion coefficient with finite-dimensional parametrization, the algorithm drives the underlying error estimates to zero. Thus, our analysis covers problems with affine and nonaffine parametric coefficient dependence.
arXiv:2310.15581v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: In this paper we consider PIDEs with gradient-independent Lipschitz continuous nonlinearities and prove that deep neural networks with ReLU activation function can approximate solutions of such semilinear PIDEs without curse of dimensionality in the sense that the required number of parameters in the deep neural networks increases at most polynomially in both the dimension $ d $ of the corresponding PIDE and the reciprocal of the prescribed accuracy $\epsilon $.
arXiv:2501.12279v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We analyze the robustness of optimally controlled evolution equations with respect to spatially localized perturbations. We prove that if the involved operators are domain-uniformly stabilizable and detectable, then these localized perturbations only have a local effect on the optimal solution. We characterize this domain-uniform stabilizability and detectability for the transport equation with constant transport velocity, showing that even for unitary semigroups, optimality implies exponential damping. Finally, we extend our result to the case of a space-dependent transport velocity. Numerical examples in one space dimension complement the theoretical results.
arXiv:2501.12116v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We present a machine learning framework to facilitate the solution of nonlinear multiscale differential equations and, especially, inverse problems using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). This framework is based on what is called multihead (MH) training, which involves training the network to learn a general space of all solutions for a given set of equations with certain variability, rather than learning a specific solution of the system. This setup is used with a second novel technique that we call Unimodular Regularization (UR) of the latent space of solutions. We show that the multihead approach, combined with the regularization, significantly improves the efficiency of PINNs by facilitating the transfer learning process thereby enabling the finding of solutions for nonlinear, coupled, and multiscale differential equations.
arXiv:2408.01227v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: The study of parameter-dependent partial differential equations (parametric PDEs) with countably many parameters has been actively studied for the last few decades. In particular, it has been well known that a certain type of parametric holomorphy of the PDE solutions allows the application of deep neural networks without encountering the curse of dimensionality. This paper aims to propose a general framework for verifying the desired parametric holomorphy by utilizing the bounds on parametric derivatives. The framework is illustrated with examples of parametric elliptic eigenvalue problems (EVPs), encompassing both linear and semilinear cases. As the results, it will be shown that the ground eigenpairs have the desired holomorphy. Furthermore, under the same conditions, improved bounds for the mixed derivatives of the ground eigenpairs are derived. These bounds are well known to take a crucial role in the error analysis of quasi-Monte Carlo methods.
arXiv:2501.06373v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We conduct an analysis of a one-dimensional linear problem that describes the vibrations of a connected suspension bridge. In this model, the single-span roadbed is represented as a thermoelastic Shear beam without rotary inertia. We incorporate thermal dissipation into the transverse displacement equation, following Green and Naghdi's theory. Our work demonstrates the existence of a global solution by employing classical Faedo-Galerkin approximations and three a priori estimates. Furthermore, we establish exponential stability through the application of the energy method. For numerical study, we propose a spatial discretization using finite elements and a temporal discretization through an implicit Euler scheme. In doing so, we prove discrete stability properties and a priori error estimates for the discrete problem. To provide a practical dimension to our theoretical findings, we present a set of numerical simulations.
arXiv:2409.12483v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Numerical methods of the ADER family, in particular finite-element ADER-DG and finite-volume ADER-WENO methods, are among the most accurate numerical methods for solving quasilinear PDE systems. The internal structure of ADER-DG and ADER-WENO numerical methods contains a large number of basic linear algebra operations related to matrix multiplications. The main interface of software libraries for matrix multiplications for high-performance computing is BLAS. This paper presents an effective method for integration the standard functions of the BLAS interface into the implementation of these numerical methods. The calculated matrices are small matrices; at the same time, the proposed implementation makes it possible to effectively use existing JIT technologies. The proposed approach immediately operates on AoS, which makes it possible to efficiently calculate flux, source and non-conservative terms without need to carry out transposition. The obtained computational costs demonstrated that the effective implementation, based on the use of the JIT functions of the BLAS, outperformed both the implementation based on the general BLAS functions and the vanilla implementations by several orders of magnitude. At the same time, the complexity of developing an implementation based on the approach proposed in this work does not exceed the complexity of developing a vanilla implementation.
arXiv:2501.03719v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Taylor expansion of wave fields with respect to shape parameters has a wide range of applications in wave scattering problems, including inverse scattering, optimal design, and uncertainty quantification. However, deriving the high order shape derivatives required for this expansion poses significant challenges with conventional methods. This paper addresses these difficulties by introducing elegant recurrence formulas for computing high order shape derivatives. The derivation employs tools from exterior differential forms, Lie derivatives, and material derivatives. The work establishes a unified framework for computing the high order shape perturbations in scattering problems. In particular, the recurrence formulas are applicable to both acoustic and electromagnetic scattering models under a variety of boundary conditions, including Dirichlet, Neumann, impedance, and transmission types.
arXiv:2408.16556v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We prove piecewise Sobolev regularity of vector fields that have piecewise regular curl and divergence, but may fail to be globally continuous. The main idea behind our approach is to employ recently developed parametrices for the curl-operator and the regularity theory of Poisson transmission problems. We conclude our work by applying our findings to the heterogeneous time-harmonic Maxwell equations with either a) impedance, b) natural or c) essential boundary conditions and providing wavenumber-explicit piecewise regularity estimates for these equations.
arXiv:2501.01726v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Working from an observability characterization based on output energy sensitivity to changes in initial conditions, we derive both analytical and empirical observability Gramian tools for a class of continuum material systems. Using these results, optimal sensor placement is calculated for an Euler-Bernoulli cantilever beam for the following cases: analytical observability for the continuum system and analytical observability for a finite number of modes. Error covariance of an Unscented Kalman Filter is determined for both cases and compared to randomly placed sensors to demonstrate effectiveness of the techniques.
arXiv:2501.00389v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study the momentum-based minimization of a diffuse perimeter functional on Euclidean spaces and on graphs with applications to semi-supervised classification tasks in machine learning. While the gradient flow in the task at hand is a parabolic partial differential equation, the momentum-method corresponds to a damped hyperbolic PDE, leading to qualitatively and quantitatively different trajectories. Using a convex-concave splitting-based FISTA-type time discretization, we demonstrate empirically that momentum can lead to faster convergence if the time step size is large but not too large. With large time steps, the PDE analysis offers only limited insight into the geometric behavior of solutions and typical hyperbolic phenomena like loss of regularity are not be observed in sample simulations.
arXiv:2501.00345v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this work, we develop a novel neural network (NN) approach to solve the discrete inverse conductivity problem of recovering the conductivity profile on network edges from the discrete Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on a square lattice. The novelty of the approach lies in the fact that the sought-after conductivity is not provided directly as the output of the NN but is instead encoded in the weights of the post-trainig NN in the second layer. Hence the weights of the trained NN acquire a clear physical meaning, which contrasts with most existing neural network approaches, where the weights are typically not interpretable. This work represents a step toward designing NNs with interpretable post-training weights. Numerically, we observe that the method outperforms the conventional Curtis-Morrow algorithm for both noisy full and partial data.
arXiv:2412.18475v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Non-local systems of conservation laws play a crucial role in modeling flow mechanisms across various scenarios. The well-posedness of such problems is typically established by demonstrating the convergence of robust first-order schemes. However, achieving more accurate solutions necessitates the development of higher-order schemes. In this article, we present a fully discrete, second-order scheme for a general class of non-local conservation law systems in multiple spatial dimensions. The method employs a MUSCL-type spatial reconstruction coupled with Runge-Kutta time integration. The proposed scheme is proven to preserve positivity in all the unknowns and exhibits L-infinity stability. Numerical experiments conducted on both the non-local scalar and system cases illustrate the8 importance of second-order scheme when compared to its first-order counterpart.
arXiv:2412.18338v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We establish weak convergence rates for spectral Galerkin approximations of the stochastic viscous Burgers equation driven by additive trace-class noise. Our results complement the known results regarding strong convergence; we obtain essential weak convergence rate 2. As expected, this is twice the known strong rate. The main ingredients of the proof are novel regularity results on the solutions of the associated Kolmogorov equations.
arXiv:2412.16580v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a numerical counterpart of the KPP equation. We obtain the existence of monostable fronts for all super-critical speeds in the regime where the spatial step size is small. The key strategy is to transfer the invertibility of certain linear operators related to the front solutions from the continuous setting to the discrete case we are interested in. We rely on resolvent bounds which are uniform with respect to the step size, a procedure which is also known as spectral convergence. The approach is also able to handle infinite range discretizations with geometrically decaying coefficients that are allowed to have both signs, which prevents the use of the comparison principle.
arXiv:2308.15083v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: By a semi-Lagrangian change of coordinates, the hydrostatic Euler equations describing free-surface sheared flows is rewritten as a system of quasilinear equations, where stability conditions can be determined by the analysis of its hyperbolic structure. The system one obtains can be written as a quasi linear system in time and horizontal variables and involves no more vertical derivatives. However, the coefficients in front of the horizontal derivatives include an integral operator acting on the new vertical variable. The spectrum of these operators is studied in detail, in particular it includes a continuous part. Riemann invariants are then determined as conserved quantities along the characteristic curves. Examples of solutions are provided, in particular stationary solutions and solutions blowing-up in finite time. Eventually, we propose an exact multilayer $\mathbb{P}_0$-discretization, which could be used to solve numerically this semi-Lagrangian system, and analyze the eigenvalues of the corresponding discretized operator to investigate the hyperbolic nature of the approximated system.
arXiv:2412.17694v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We propose and study a novel efficient algorithm for clustering and classification tasks based on the famous MBO scheme. On the one hand, inspired by Jacobs et al. [J. Comp. Phys. 2018], we introduce constraints on the size of clusters leading to a linear integer problem. We prove that the solution to this problem is induced by a novel order statistic. This viewpoint allows us to develop exact and highly efficient algorithms to solve such constrained integer problems. On the other hand, we prove an estimate of the computational complexity of our scheme, which is better than any available provable bounds for the state of the art. This rigorous analysis is based on a variational viewpoint that connects this scheme to volume-preserving mean curvature flow in the big data and small time-step limit.
arXiv:2412.16775v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study evolution equations on metric graphs with reservoirs, that is graphs where a one-dimensional interval is associated to each edge and, in addition, the vertices are able to store and exchange mass with these intervals. Focusing on the case where the dynamics are driven by an entropy functional defined both on the metric edges and vertices, we provide a rigorous understanding of such systems of coupled ordinary and partial differential equations as (generalized) gradient flows in continuity equation format. Approximating the edges by a sequence of vertices, which yields a fully discrete system, we are able to establish existence of solutions in this formalism. Furthermore, we study several scaling limits using the recently developed framework of EDP convergence with embeddings to rigorously show convergence to gradient flows on reduced metric and combinatorial graphs. Finally, numerical studies confirm our theoretical findings and provide additional insights into the dynamics under rescaling.