
7 posts

arXiv:2403.02237v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We present our investigation of the study of two variable hypergeometric series, namely Appell $F_{1}$ and $F_{3}$ series, and obtain a comprehensive list of its analytic continuations enough to cover the whole real $(x,y)$ plane, except on their singular loci. We also derive analytic continuations of their 3-variable generalization, the Lauricella $F_{D}^{(3)}$ series and the Lauricella-Saran $F_{S}^{(3)}$ series, leveraging the analytic continuations of $F_{1}$ and $F_{3}$, which ensures that the whole real $(x,y,z)$ space is covered, except on the singular loci of these functions. While these studies are motivated by the frequent occurrence of these multivariable hypergeometric functions in Feynman integral evaluation, they can also be used whenever they appear in other branches of mathematical physics. To facilitate their practical use, we provide four packages: $\texttt{AppellF1.wl}$, $\texttt{AppellF3.wl}$, $\texttt{LauricellaFD.wl}$, and $\texttt{LauricellaSaranFS.wl}$ in $\textit{MATHEMATICA}$. These packages are applicable for generic as well as non-generic values of parameters, keeping in mind their utilities in the evaluation of the Feynman integrals. We explicitly present various physical applications of these packages in the context of Feynman integral evaluation and compare the results using other packages such as $\texttt{FIESTA}$. Upon applying the appropriate conventions for numerical evaluation, we find that the results obtained from our packages are consistent. Various $\textit{Mathematica}$ notebooks demonstrating different numerical results are also provided along with this paper.

Souvik Bera, Tanay Pathak1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01383v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: A classic problem in data analysis is studying the systems of subsets defined by either a similarity or a dissimilarity function on $X$ which is either observed directly or derived from a data set. For an electrical network there are two functions on the set of the nodes defined by the resistance matrix and the response matrix either of which defines the network completely. We argue that these functions should be viewed as a similarity and a dissimilarity function on the set of the nodes moreover they are related via the covariance mapping also known as the Farris transform or the Gromov product. We will explore the properties of electrical networks from this point of view. It has been known for a while that the resistance matrix defines a metric on the nodes of the electrical networks. Moreover for a circular electrical network this metric obeys the Kalmanson property as it was shown recently. We will call such a metric an electrical Kalmanson metric. The main results of this paper is a complete description of the electrical Kalmanson metrics in the set of all Kalmanson metrics in terms of the geometry of the positive Isotropic Grassmannian whose connection to the theory of electrical networks was discovered earlier. One important area of applications where Kalmanson metrics are actively used is the theory of phylogenetic networks which are a generalization of phylogenetic trees. Our results allow us to use in phylogenetics the powerful methods of reconstruction of the minimal graphs of electrical networks and possibly open the door into data analysis for the methods of the theory of cluster algebras.

V. Gorbounov, A. Kazakov1/3/2025

arXiv:2412.18263v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Irreducible Cartesian tensors (ICTs) play a crucial role in the design of equivariant graph neural networks, as well as in theoretical chemistry and chemical physics. Meanwhile, the design space of available linear operations on tensors that preserve symmetry presents a significant challenge. The ICT decomposition and a basis of this equivariant space are difficult to obtain for high-order tensors. After decades of research, we recently achieve an explicit ICT decomposition for $n=5$ \citep{bonvicini2024irreducible} with factorial time/space complexity. This work, for the first time, obtains decomposition matrices for ICTs up to rank $n=9$ with reduced and affordable complexity, by constructing what we call path matrices. The path matrices are obtained via performing chain-like contraction with Clebsch-Gordan matrices following the parentage scheme. We prove and leverage that the concatenation of path matrices is an orthonormal change-of-basis matrix between the Cartesian tensor product space and the spherical direct sum spaces. Furthermore, we identify a complete orthogonal basis for the equivariant space, rather than a spanning set \citep{pearce2023brauer}, through this path matrices technique. We further extend our result to the arbitrary tensor product and direct sum spaces, enabling free design between different spaces while keeping symmetry. The Python code is available in the appendix where the $n=6,\dots,9$ ICT decomposition matrices are obtained in <0.1s, 0.5s, 1s, 3s, 11s, and 4m32s, respectively.

Shihao Shao, Yikang Li, Zhouchen Lin, Qinghua Cui12/25/2024

arXiv:2407.12527v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The Discrete Ordinates Method (DOM) is the most widely used velocity discretiza-tion method for simulating the radiative transport equation. However, the ray effect is a long-standing drawback of DOM. In benchmark tests that exhibit the ray effect, we observe low regularity in the velocity variable of the solution. To address this issue, we propose a Random Ordinate Method (ROM) to mitigate the ray effect. Compared to other strategies proposed in the literature for mitigating the ray effect, ROM offers several advantages: 1) the computational cost is comparable to that of DOM; 2) it is simple and requires minimal changes to existing DOM-based code; 3) it is easily parallelizable and independent of the problem setup. A formal analysis is presented for the convergence orders of the error and bias. Numerical tests demonstrate the reduction in computational cost compared toDOM, as well as its effectiveness in mitigating the ray effect.

Lei Li, Min Tang, Yuqi Yang12/25/2024

arXiv:2404.18247v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We study the integrability of two-dimensional theories that are obtained by a dimensional reduction of certain four-dimensional gravitational theories describing the coupling of Maxwell fields and neutral scalar fields to gravity in the presence of a potential for the neutral scalar fields. For a certain solution subspace, we demonstrate partial integrability by showing that a subset of the equations of motion in two dimensions are the compatibility conditions for a linear system. Subsequently, we study the integrability of these two-dimensional models from a complementary one-dimensional point of view, framed in terms of Liouville integrability. In this endeavour, we employ various machine learning techniques to systematise our search for numerical Lax pair matrices for these models, as well as conserved currents expressed as functions of phase space variables.

Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Dami\'an Mayorga Pe\~na, Suresh Nampuri12/24/2024

arXiv:2304.03182v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Sampling from the $q$-state ferromagnetic Potts model is a fundamental question in statistical physics, probability theory, and theoretical computer science. On general graphs, this problem may be computationally hard, and this hardness holds at arbitrarily low temperatures. At the same time, in recent years, there has been significant progress showing the existence of low-temperature sampling algorithms in various specific families of graphs. Our aim in this paper is to understand the minimal structural properties of general graphs that enable polynomial-time sampling from the $q$-state ferromagnetic Potts model at low temperatures. We study this problem from the perspective of random-cluster dynamics. These are non-local Markov chains that have long been believed to converge rapidly to equilibrium at low temperatures in many graphs. However, the hardness of the sampling problem likely indicates that this is not even the case for all bounded degree graphs. Our results demonstrate that a key graph property behind fast or slow convergence time for these dynamics is whether the independent edge-percolation on the graph admits a strongly supercritical phase. By this, we mean that at large $p<1$, it has a large linear-sized component, and the graph complement of that component is comprised of only small components. Specifically, we prove that such a condition implies fast mixing of the random-cluster Glauber and Swendsen--Wang dynamics on two general families of bounded-degree graphs: (a) graphs of at most stretched-exponential volume growth and (b) locally treelike graphs. In the other direction, we show that, even among graphs in those families, these Markov chains can converge exponentially slowly at arbitrarily low temperatures if the edge-percolation condition does not hold.

Antonio Blanca, Reza Gheissari12/24/2024

arXiv:2403.10990v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Quantum noise plays a pivotal role in understanding quantum transport phenomena, including current correlations and wave-particle duality. A recent focus in this domain is $\Delta_T$ noise, which arises due to a finite temperature difference in the absence of charge current at zero voltage bias. This paper investigates $\Delta_T$ noise in mesoscopic hybrid junctions with insulators, where the average charge current is zero at zero voltage bias, through the measurement of quantum shot noise, i.e., $\Delta_T$ noise. Notably, we find that the $\Delta_T$ noise in metal-insulator-superconductor junctions is significantly larger than in metal-insulator-metal junctions. Furthermore, our results reveal that $\Delta_T$ noise initially increases with barrier strength, peaks, and then decreases, while it shows a steady increase with temperature bias, highlighting the nuanced interplay between barrier characteristics and thermal gradients.

Sachiraj Mishra, A Rajmohan Dora, Tusaradri Mohapatra, Colin Benjamin12/23/2024