12 postsarXiv:2403.15987v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We define term rewriting systems on the vertices and faces of nestohedra, and show that the former are confluent and terminating. While the associated posets on vertices generalize Barnard--McConville's flip order for graph-associahedra, the preorders on faces generalize the facial weak order for permutahedra and the generalized Tamari order for associahedra. Moreover, we define and study contextual families of nestohedra, whose local confluence diagrams satisfy a certain uniformity condition. Among them are associahedra and operahedra, whose associated proofs of confluence for their rewriting systems reproduce proofs of categorical coherence theorems for monoidal categories and categorified operads.
arXiv:2501.10672v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We present a "homotopification" of fundamental concepts from information theory. Using homotopy type theory, we define homotopy types that behave analogously to probability spaces, random variables, and the exponentials of Shannon entropy and relative entropy. The original analytic theories emerge through homotopy cardinality, which maps homotopy types to real numbers and generalizes the cardinality of sets.
arXiv:2501.11620v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We define a naturality construction for the operations of weak {\omega}-categories, as a meta-operation in a dependent type theory. Our construction has a geometrical motivation as a local tensor product, and we realise it as a globular analogue of Reynolds parametricity. Our construction operates as a "power tool" to support construction of terms with geometrical structure, and we use it to define composition operations for cylinders and cones in {\omega}-categories. The machinery can generate terms of high complexity, and we have implemented our construction in a proof assistant, which verifies that the generated terms have the correct type. All our results can be exported to homotopy type theory, allowing the explicit computation of complex path type inhabitants.
arXiv:2401.12638v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Adhesive and quasiadhesive categories provide a general framework for the study of algebraic graph rewriting systems. In a quasiadhesive category any two regular subobjects have a join which is again a regular subobject. Vice versa, if regular monos are adhesive, then the existence of a regular join for any pair of regular subobjects entails quasiadhesivity. It is also known (quasi)adhesive categories can be embedded in a Grothendieck topos via a functor preserving pullbacks and pushouts along (regular) monomorphisms. In this paper we extend these results to $\mathcal{M}, \mathcal{N}$-adhesive categories, a concept recently introduced to generalize the notion of (quasi)adhesivity. We introduce the notion of $\mathcal{N}$-adhesive morphism, which allows us to express $\mathcal{M}, \mathcal{N}$-adhesivity as a condition on the subobjects's posets. Moreover, $\mathcal{N}$-adhesive morphisms allows us to show how an $\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N}$-adhesive category can be embedded into a Grothendieck topos, preserving pullbacks and $\mathcal{M}, \mathcal{N}$-pushouts.
arXiv:2212.08515v5 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We develop the formal theory of monads, as established by Street, in univalent foundations. This allows us to formally reason about various kinds of monads on the right level of abstraction. In particular, we define the bicategory of monads internal to a bicategory, and prove that it is univalent. We also define Eilenberg-Moore objects, and we show that both Eilenberg-Moore categories and Kleisli categories give rise to Eilenberg-Moore objects. Finally, we relate monads and adjunctions in arbitrary bicategories. Our work is formalized in Coq using the UniMath library.
arXiv:2410.14440v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Generic notions of bisimulation for various types of systems (nondeterministic, probabilistic, weighted etc.) rely on identity-preserving (normal) lax extensions of the functor encapsulating the system type, in the paradigm of universal coalgebra. It is known that preservation of weak pullbacks is a sufficient condition for a functor to admit a normal lax extension (the Barr extension, which in fact is then even strict); in the converse direction, nothing is currently known about necessary (weak) pullback preservation conditions for the existence of normal lax extensions. In the present work, we narrow this gap by showing on the one hand that functors admitting a normal lax extension preserve 1/4-iso pullbacks, i.e. pullbacks in which at least one of the projections is an isomorphism. On the other hand, we give sufficient conditions, showing that a functor admits a normal lax extension if it weakly preserves either 1/4-iso pullbacks and 4/4-epi pullbacks (i.e. pullbacks in which all morphisms are epic) or inverse images. We apply these criteria to concrete examples, in particular to functors modelling neighbourhood systems and weighted systems.
arXiv:2501.06662v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The purpose of this article is twofold. Firstly, we use the next-token probabilities given by a language model to explicitly define a $[0,1]$-enrichment of a category of texts in natural language, in the sense of Bradley, Terilla, and Vlassopoulos. We consider explicitly the terminating conditions for text generation and determine when the enrichment itself can be interpreted as a probability over texts. Secondly, we compute the M\"obius function and the magnitude of an associated generalized metric space $\mathcal{M}$ of texts using a combinatorial version of these quantities recently introduced by Vigneaux. The magnitude function $f(t)$ of $\mathcal{M}$ is a sum over texts $x$ (prompts) of the Tsallis $t$-entropies of the next-token probability distributions $p(-|x)$ plus the cardinality of the model's possible outputs. The derivative of $f$ at $t=1$ recovers a sum of Shannon entropies, which justifies seeing magnitude as a partition function. Following Leinster and Schulman, we also express the magnitude function of $\mathcal M$ as an Euler characteristic of magnitude homology and provide an explicit description of the zeroeth and first magnitude homology groups.
arXiv:2406.11814v4 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We consider the problem of symmetrising a neural network along a group homomorphism: given a homomorphism $\varphi : H \to G$, we would like a procedure that converts $H$-equivariant neural networks to $G$-equivariant ones. We formulate this in terms of Markov categories, which allows us to consider neural networks whose outputs may be stochastic, but with measure-theoretic details abstracted away. We obtain a flexible and compositional framework for symmetrisation that relies on minimal assumptions about the structure of the group and the underlying neural network architecture. Our approach recovers existing canonicalisation and averaging techniques for symmetrising deterministic models, and extends to provide a novel methodology for symmetrising stochastic models also. Beyond this, our findings also demonstrate the utility of Markov categories for addressing complex problems in machine learning in a conceptually clear yet mathematically precise way.
arXiv:2501.01515v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Motivated by deep learning regimes with multiple interacting yet distinct model components, we introduce learning diagrams, graphical depictions of training setups that capture parameterized learning as data rather than code. A learning diagram compiles to a unique loss function on which component models are trained. The result of training on this loss is a collection of models whose predictions ``agree" with one another. We show that a number of popular learning setups such as few-shot multi-task learning, knowledge distillation, and multi-modal learning can be depicted as learning diagrams. We further implement learning diagrams in a library that allows users to build diagrams of PyTorch and Flux.jl models. By implementing some classic machine learning use cases, we demonstrate how learning diagrams allow practitioners to build complicated models as compositions of smaller components, identify relationships between workflows, and manipulate models during or after training. Leveraging a category theoretic framework, we introduce a rigorous semantics for learning diagrams that puts such operations on a firm mathematical foundation.
arXiv:2501.01882v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study monads in the (pseudo-)double category $\mathbf{KSW}(\mathcal{K})$ where loose arrows are Mealy automata valued in an ambient monoidal category $\mathcal{K}$, and the category of tight arrows is $\mathcal{K}$. Such monads turn out to be elegantly described through instances of semifree bicrossed products (bicrossed products of monoids, in the sense of Zappa-Sz\'ep-Takeuchi, where one factor is a free monoid). This result which gives an explicit description of the `free monad' double left adjoint to the forgetful functor. (Loose) monad maps are interesting as well, and relate to already known structures in automata theory. In parallel, we outline what double co/limits exist in $\mathbf{KSW}(\mathcal{K})$ and express in a synthetic language, based on double category theory, the bicategorical features of Katis-Sabadini-Walters `bicategory of circuits'.
arXiv:2110.05388v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Substructural logics naturally support a quantitative interpretation of formulas, as they are seen as consumable resources. Distances are the quantitative counterpart of equivalence relations: they measure how much two objects are similar, rather than just saying whether they are equivalent or not. Hence, they provide the natural choice for modelling equality in a substructural setting. In this paper, we develop this idea, using the categorical language of Lawvere's doctrines. We work in a minimal fragment of Linear Logic enriched by graded modalities, which are needed to write a resource sensitive substitution rule for equality, enabling its quantitative interpretation as a distance. We introduce both a deductive calculus and the notion of Lipschitz doctrine to give it a sound and complete categorical semantics. The study of 2-categorical properties of Lipschitz doctrines provides us with a universal construction, which generates examples based for instance on metric spaces and quantitative realisability. Finally, we show how to smoothly extend our results to richer substructural logics, up to full Linear Logic with quantifiers.
arXiv:2412.17772v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Harnessing the potential computational advantage of quantum computers for machine learning tasks relies on the uploading of classical data onto quantum computers through what are commonly referred to as quantum encodings. The choice of such encodings may vary substantially from one task to another, and there exist only a few cases where structure has provided insight into their design and implementation, such as symmetry in geometric quantum learning. Here, we propose the perspective that category theory offers a natural mathematical framework for analyzing encodings that respect structure inherent in datasets and learning tasks. We illustrate this with pedagogical examples, which include geometric quantum machine learning, quantum metric learning, topological data analysis, and more. Moreover, our perspective provides a language in which to ask meaningful and mathematically precise questions for the design of quantum encodings and circuits for quantum machine learning tasks.