
42 posts

arXiv:2501.10660v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This note considers the blind free deconvolution problems of sparse spectral measures from one-parameter families. These problems pose significant challenges since they involve nonlinear sparse recovery. The main technical tool is the eigenmatrix method for solving unstructured sparse recovery problems. The key idea is to turn the nonlinear inverse problem into a linear inverse problem by leveraging the R-transform for free addition and the S-transform for free product. The resulting linear problem is solved with the eigenmatrix method tailored to the domain of the parametric family. Numerical results are provided for both the additive and multiplicative free deconvolutions.

Lexing Ying1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11421v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We study the problem of online clustering within the multi-armed bandit framework under the fixed confidence setting. In this multi-armed bandit problem, we have $M$ arms, each providing i.i.d. samples that follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution with an {\em unknown} mean and a known unit covariance. The arms are grouped into $K$ clusters based on the distance between their means using the Single Linkage (SLINK) clustering algorithm on the means of the arms. Since the true means are unknown, the objective is to obtain the above clustering of the arms with the minimum number of samples drawn from the arms, subject to an upper bound on the error probability. We introduce a novel algorithm, Average Tracking Bandit Online Clustering (ATBOC), and prove that this algorithm is order optimal, meaning that the upper bound on its expected sample complexity for given error probability $\delta$ is within a factor of 2 of an instance-dependent lower bound as $\delta \rightarrow 0$. Furthermore, we propose a computationally more efficient algorithm, Lower and Upper Confidence Bound-based Bandit Online Clustering (LUCBBOC), inspired by the LUCB algorithm for best arm identification. Simulation results demonstrate that the performance of LUCBBOC is comparable to that of ATBOC. We numerically assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms through numerical experiments on both synthetic datasets and the real-world MovieLens dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on bandit online clustering that allows arms with different means in a cluster and $K$ greater than 2.

G Dhinesh Chandran, Srinivas Reddy Kota, Srikrishna Bhashyam1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.08330v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We present a new perspective on online learning that we refer to as gradient equilibrium: a sequence of iterates achieves gradient equilibrium if the average of gradients of losses along the sequence converges to zero. In general, this condition is not implied by nor implies sublinear regret. It turns out that gradient equilibrium is achievable by standard online learning methods such as gradient descent and mirror descent with constant step sizes (rather than decaying step sizes, as is usually required for no regret). Further, as we show through examples, gradient equilibrium translates into an interpretable and meaningful property in online prediction problems spanning regression, classification, quantile estimation, and others. Notably, we show that the gradient equilibrium framework can be used to develop a debiasing scheme for black-box predictions under arbitrary distribution shift, based on simple post hoc online descent updates. We also show that post hoc gradient updates can be used to calibrate predicted quantiles under distribution shift, and that the framework leads to unbiased Elo scores for pairwise preference prediction.

Anastasios N. Angelopoulos, Michael I. Jordan, Ryan J. Tibshirani1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11689v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This note continues development of the functional theory of randomness, a modification of the algorithmic theory of randomness getting rid of unspecified additive constants. It introduces new kinds of confidence predictors, including randomness predictors (the most general confidence predictors based on the assumption of IID observations) and exchangeability predictors (the most general confidence predictors based on the assumption of exchangeable observations). The main result implies that both are close to conformal predictors and quantifies the difference between them.

Vladimir Vovk1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10897v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We use a tensor unfolding technique to prove a new identifiability result for discrete bipartite graphical models, which have a bipartite graph between an observed and a latent layer. This model family includes popular models such as Noisy-Or Bayesian networks for medical diagnosis and Restricted Boltzmann Machines in machine learning. These models are also building blocks for deep generative models. Our result on identifying the graph structure enjoys the following nice properties. First, our identifiability proof is constructive, in which we innovatively unfold the population tensor under the model into matrices and inspect the rank properties of the resulting matrices to uncover the graph. This proof itself gives a population-level structure learning algorithm that outputs both the number of latent variables and the bipartite graph. Second, we allow various forms of nonlinear dependence among the variables, unlike many continuous latent variable graphical models that rely on linearity to show identifiability. Third, our identifiability condition is interpretable, only requiring each latent variable to connect to at least two "pure" observed variables in the bipartite graph. The new result not only brings novel advances in algebraic statistics, but also has useful implications for these models' trustworthy applications in scientific disciplines and interpretable machine learning.

Yuqi Gu1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10538v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The practical success of deep learning has led to the discovery of several surprising phenomena. One of these phenomena, that has spurred intense theoretical research, is ``benign overfitting'': deep neural networks seem to generalize well in the over-parametrized regime even though the networks show a perfect fit to noisy training data. It is now known that benign overfitting also occurs in various classical statistical models. For linear maximum margin classifiers, benign overfitting has been established theoretically in a class of mixture models with very strong assumptions on the covariate distribution. However, even in this simple setting, many questions remain open. For instance, most of the existing literature focuses on the noiseless case where all true class labels are observed without errors, whereas the more interesting noisy case remains poorly understood. We provide a comprehensive study of benign overfitting for linear maximum margin classifiers. We discover a phase transition in test error bounds for the noisy model which was previously unknown and provide some geometric intuition behind it. We further considerably relax the required covariate assumptions in both, the noisy and noiseless case. Our results demonstrate that benign overfitting of maximum margin classifiers holds in a much wider range of scenarios than was previously known and provide new insights into the underlying mechanisms.

Ichiro Hashimoto, Stanislav Volgushev, Piotr Zwiernik1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.12212v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Stochastic iterative algorithms, including stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD), are widely utilized for optimization and sampling in large-scale and high-dimensional problems in machine learning, statistics, and engineering. Numerous works have bounded the parameter error in, and characterized the uncertainty of, these approximations. One common approach has been to use scaling limit analyses to relate the distribution of algorithm sample paths to a continuous-time stochastic process approximation, particularly in asymptotic setups. Focusing on the univariate setting, in this paper, we build on previous work to derive non-asymptotic functional approximation error bounds between the algorithm sample paths and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck approximation using an infinite-dimensional version of Stein's method of exchangeable pairs. We show that this bound implies weak convergence under modest additional assumptions and leads to a bound on the error of the variance of the iterate averages of the algorithm. Furthermore, we use our main result to construct error bounds in terms of two common metrics: the L\'{e}vy-Prokhorov and bounded Wasserstein distances. Our results provide a foundation for developing similar error bounds for the multivariate setting and for more sophisticated stochastic approximation algorithms.

Xiaoyu Wang, Mikolaj J. Kasprzak, Jeffrey Negrea, Solesne Bourguin, Jonathan H. Huggins1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.10815v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: A fundamental task in statistical learning is quantifying the joint dependence or association between two continuous random variables. We introduce a novel, fully non-parametric measure that assesses the degree of association between continuous variables $X$ and $Y$, capable of capturing a wide range of relationships, including non-functional ones. A key advantage of this measure is its interpretability: it quantifies the expected relative loss in predictive accuracy when the distribution of $X$ is ignored in predicting $Y$. This measure is bounded within the interval [0,1] and is equal to zero if and only if $X$ and $Y$ are independent. We evaluate the performance of our measure on over 90,000 real and synthetic datasets, benchmarking it against leading alternatives. Our results demonstrate that the proposed measure provides valuable insights into underlying relationships, particularly in cases where existing methods fail to capture important dependencies.

Renato Assun\c{c}\~ao, Fl\'avio Figueiredo, Francisco N. Tinoco J\'unior, L\'eo M. de S\'a-Freire, F\'abio Silva1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11773v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Bayesian inference promises a framework for principled uncertainty quantification of neural network predictions. Barriers to adoption include the difficulty of fully characterizing posterior distributions on network parameters and the interpretability of posterior predictive distributions. We demonstrate that under a discretized prior for the inner layer weights, we can exactly characterize the posterior predictive distribution as a Gaussian mixture. This setting allows us to define equivalence classes of network parameter values which produce the same likelihood (training error) and to relate the elements of these classes to the network's scaling regime -- defined via ratios of the training sample size, the size of each layer, and the number of final layer parameters. Of particular interest are distinct parameter realizations that map to low training error and yet correspond to distinct modes in the posterior predictive distribution. We identify settings that exhibit such predictive multimodality, and thus provide insight into the accuracy of unimodal posterior approximations. We also characterize the capacity of a model to "learn from data" by evaluating contraction of the posterior predictive in different scaling regimes.

Katharine Fisher, Youssef Marzouk1/22/2025

arXiv:2501.11280v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: This paper focuses on linear regression models with non-conjugate sparsity-inducing regularizers such as lasso and group lasso. Although empirical Bayes approach enables us to estimate the regularization parameter, little is known on the properties of the estimators. In particular, there are many unexplained aspects regarding the specific conditions under which the mechanism of automatic relevance determination (ARD) occurs. In this paper, we derive the empirical Bayes estimators for the group lasso regularized linear regression models with a limited number of parameters. It is shown that the estimators diverge under a certain condition, giving rise to the ARD mechanism. We also prove that empirical Bayes methods can produce ARD mechanism in general regularized linear regression models and clarify the conditions under which models such as ridge, lasso, and group lasso can produce ARD mechanism.

Tsukasa Yoshida, Kazuho Watanabe1/22/2025

arXiv:2307.05705v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: This paper studies iterative schemes for measure transfer and approximation problems, which are defined through a slicing-and-matching procedure. Similar to the sliced Wasserstein distance, these schemes benefit from the availability of closed-form solutions for the one-dimensional optimal transport problem and the associated computational advantages. While such schemes have already been successfully utilized in data science applications, not too many results on their convergence are available. The main contribution of this paper is an almost sure convergence proof for stochastic slicing-and-matching schemes. The proof builds on an interpretation as a stochastic gradient descent scheme on the Wasserstein space. Numerical examples on step-wise image morphing are demonstrated as well.

Shiying Li, Caroline Moosmueller1/14/2025

arXiv:2111.04681v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We consider the problem of structured tensor denoising in the presence of unknown permutations. Such data problems arise commonly in recommendation system, neuroimaging, community detection, and multiway comparison applications. Here, we develop a general family of smooth tensor models up to arbitrary index permutations; the model incorporates the popular tensor block models and Lipschitz hypergraphon models as special cases. We show that a constrained least-squares estimator in the block-wise polynomial family achieves the minimax error bound. A phase transition phenomenon is revealed with respect to the smoothness threshold needed for optimal recovery. In particular, we find that a polynomial of degree up to $(m-2)(m+1)/2$ is sufficient for accurate recovery of order-$m$ tensors, whereas higher degree exhibits no further benefits. This phenomenon reveals the intrinsic distinction for smooth tensor estimation problems with and without unknown permutations. Furthermore, we provide an efficient polynomial-time Borda count algorithm that provably achieves optimal rate under monotonicity assumptions. The efficacy of our procedure is demonstrated through both simulations and Chicago crime data analysis.

Chanwoo Lee, Miaoyan Wang1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06540v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We aim to assist image-based myopia screening by resolving two longstanding problems, "how to integrate the information of ocular images of a pair of eyes" and "how to incorporate the inherent dependence among high-myopia status and axial length for both eyes." The classification-regression task is modeled as a novel 4-dimensional muti-response regression, where discrete responses are allowed, that relates to two dependent 3rd-order tensors (3D ultrawide-field fundus images). We present a Vision Transformer-based bi-channel architecture, named CeViT, where the common features of a pair of eyes are extracted via a shared Transformer encoder, and the interocular asymmetries are modeled through separated multilayer perceptron heads. Statistically, we model the conditional dependence among mixture of discrete-continuous responses given the image covariates by a so-called copula loss. We establish a new theoretical framework regarding fine-tuning on CeViT based on latent representations, allowing the black-box fine-tuning procedure interpretable and guaranteeing higher relative efficiency of fine-tuning weight estimation in the asymptotic setting. We apply CeViT to an annotated ultrawide-field fundus image dataset collected by Shanghai Eye \& ENT Hospital, demonstrating that CeViT enhances the baseline model in both accuracy of classifying high-myopia and prediction of AL on both eyes.

Chong Zhong, Yang Li, Jinfeng Xu, Xiang Fu, Yunhao Liu, Qiuyi Huang, Danjuan Yang, Meiyan Li, Aiyi Liu, Alan H. Welsh, Xingtao Zhou, Bo Fu, Catherine C. Liu1/14/2025

arXiv:2501.06652v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We present a new framework for statistical inference on Riemannian manifolds that achieves high-order accuracy, addressing the challenges posed by non-Euclidean parameter spaces frequently encountered in modern data science. Our approach leverages a novel and computationally efficient procedure to reach higher-order asymptotic precision. In particular, we develop a bootstrap algorithm on Riemannian manifolds that is both computationally efficient and accurate for hypothesis testing and confidence region construction. Although locational hypothesis testing can be reformulated as a standard Euclidean problem, constructing high-order accurate confidence regions necessitates careful treatment of manifold geometry. To this end, we establish high-order asymptotics under a fixed normal chart centered at the true parameter, thereby enabling precise expansions that incorporate curvature effects. We demonstrate the versatility of this framework across various manifold settings-including spheres, the Stiefel manifold, fixed-rank matrices manifolds, and rank-one tensor manifolds-and, for Euclidean submanifolds, introduce a class of projection-like coordinate charts with strong consistency properties. Finally, numerical studies confirm the practical merits of the proposed procedure.

Chengzhu Huang, Anru R. Zhang1/14/2025

arXiv:2412.09498v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Gradient descent is one of the most widely used iterative algorithms in modern statistical learning. However, its precise algorithmic dynamics in high-dimensional settings remain only partially understood, which has therefore limited its broader potential for statistical inference applications. This paper provides a precise, non-asymptotic distributional characterization of gradient descent iterates in a broad class of empirical risk minimization problems, in the so-called mean-field regime where the sample size is proportional to the signal dimension. Our non-asymptotic state evolution theory holds for both general non-convex loss functions and non-Gaussian data, and reveals the central role of two Onsager correction matrices that precisely characterize the non-trivial dependence among all gradient descent iterates in the mean-field regime. Although the Onsager correction matrices are typically analytically intractable, our state evolution theory facilitates a generic gradient descent inference algorithm that consistently estimates these matrices across a broad class of models. Leveraging this algorithm, we show that the state evolution can be inverted to construct (i) data-driven estimators for the generalization error of gradient descent iterates and (ii) debiased gradient descent iterates for inference of the unknown signal. Detailed applications to two canonical models--linear regression and (generalized) logistic regression--are worked out to illustrate model-specific features of our general theory and inference methods.

Qiyang Han, Xiaocong Xu1/8/2025

arXiv:2501.03402v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure is widely used to control the false detection rate (FDR) in multiple testing. Applications of this control abound in drug discovery, forensics, anomaly detection, and, in particular, machine learning, ranging from nonparametric outlier detection to out-of-distribution detection and one-class classification methods. Considering this control could be relied upon in critical safety/security contexts, we investigate its adversarial robustness. More precisely, we study under what conditions BH does and does not exhibit adversarial robustness, we present a class of simple and easily implementable adversarial test-perturbation algorithms, and we perform computational experiments. With our algorithms, we demonstrate that there are conditions under which BH's control can be significantly broken with relatively few (even just one) test score perturbation(s), and provide non-asymptotic guarantees on the expected adversarial-adjustment to FDR. Our technical analysis involves a combinatorial reframing of the BH procedure as a ``balls into bins'' process, and drawing a connection to generalized ballot problems to facilitate an information-theoretic approach for deriving non-asymptotic lower bounds.

Louis L Chen, Roberto Szechtman, Matan Seri1/8/2025

arXiv:2501.01591v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In recent years, some researchers have applied diffusion models to multivariate time series anomaly detection. The partial diffusion strategy, which depends on the diffusion steps, is commonly used for anomaly detection in these models. However, different diffusion steps have an impact on the reconstruction of the original data, thereby impacting the effectiveness of anomaly detection. To address this issue, we propose a novel method named DiffGAN, which adds a generative adversarial network component to the denoiser of diffusion model. This addition allows for the simultaneous generation of noisy data and prediction of diffusion steps. Compared to multiple state-of-the-art reconstruction models, experimental results demonstrate that DiffGAN achieves superior performance in anomaly detection.

Guangqiang Wu, Fu Zhang1/6/2025

arXiv:2402.14434v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We study the problem of sampling from a target probability density function in frameworks where parallel evaluations of the log-density gradient are feasible. Focusing on smooth and strongly log-concave densities, we revisit the parallelized randomized midpoint method and investigate its properties using recently developed techniques for analyzing its sequential version. Through these techniques, we derive upper bounds on the Wasserstein distance between sampling and target densities. These bounds quantify the substantial runtime improvements achieved through parallel processing.

Lu Yu, Arnak Dalalyan1/6/2025

arXiv:2104.12314v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: The extraction of filamentary structure from a point cloud is discussed. The filaments are modeled as ridge lines or higher dimensional ridges of an underlying density. We propose two novel algorithms, and provide theoretical guarantees for their convergences, by which we mean that the algorithms can asymptotically recover the full ridge set. We consider the new algorithms as alternatives to the Subspace Constrained Mean Shift (SCMS) algorithm for which no such theoretical guarantees are known.

Wanli Qiao, Wolfgang Polonik1/3/2025

arXiv:2406.09169v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Real-world networks are sparse. As we show in this article, even when a large number of interactions is observed, most node pairs remain disconnected. We demonstrate that classical multi-edge network models, such as the $G(N,p)$, configuration models, and stochastic block models, fail to accurately capture this phenomenon. To mitigate this issue, zero-inflation must be integrated into these traditional models. Through zero-inflation, we incorporate a mechanism that accounts for the excess number of zeroes (disconnected pairs) observed in empirical data. By performing an analysis on all the datasets from the Sociopatterns repository, we illustrate how zero-inflated models more accurately reflect the sparsity and heavy-tailed edge count distributions observed in empirical data. Our findings underscore that failing to account for these ubiquitous properties in real-world networks inadvertently leads to biased models that do not accurately represent complex systems and their dynamics.

Giona Casiraghi, Georges Andres1/3/2025