
21 posts

arXiv:2402.14434v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We study the problem of sampling from a target probability density function in frameworks where parallel evaluations of the log-density gradient are feasible. Focusing on smooth and strongly log-concave densities, we revisit the parallelized randomized midpoint method and investigate its properties using recently developed techniques for analyzing its sequential version. Through these techniques, we derive upper bounds on the Wasserstein distance between sampling and target densities. These bounds quantify the substantial runtime improvements achieved through parallel processing.

Lu Yu, Arnak Dalalyan1/6/2025

arXiv:2410.10137v4 Announce Type: replace Abstract: We develop Riemannian approaches to variational autoencoders (VAEs) for PDE-type ambient data with regularizing geometric latent dynamics, which we refer to as VAE-DLM, or VAEs with dynamical latent manifolds. We redevelop the VAE framework such that manifold geometries, subject to our geometric flow, embedded in Euclidean space are learned in the intermediary latent space developed by encoders and decoders. By tailoring the geometric flow in which the latent space evolves, we induce latent geometric properties of our choosing, which are reflected in empirical performance. We reformulate the traditional evidence lower bound (ELBO) loss with a considerate choice of prior. We develop a linear geometric flow with a steady-state regularizing term. This flow requires only automatic differentiation of one time derivative, and can be solved in moderately high dimensions in a physics-informed approach, allowing more expressive latent representations. We discuss how this flow can be formulated as a gradient flow, and maintains entropy away from metric singularity. This, along with an eigenvalue penalization condition, helps ensure the manifold is sufficiently large in measure, nondegenerate, and a canonical geometry, which contribute to a robust representation. Our methods focus on the modified multi-layer perceptron architecture with tanh activations for the manifold encoder-decoder. We demonstrate, on our datasets of interest, our methods perform at least as well as the traditional VAE, and oftentimes better. Our methods can outperform this and a VAE endowed with our proposed architecture, frequently reducing out-of-distribution (OOD) error between 15% to 35% on select datasets. We highlight our method on ambient PDEs whose solutions maintain minimal variation in late times. We provide empirical justification towards how we can improve robust learning for external dynamics with VAEs.

Andrew Gracyk1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00150v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Quasi-Monte Carlo sampling can attain far better accuracy than plain Monte Carlo sampling. However, with plain Monte Carlo sampling it is much easier to estimate the attained accuracy. This article describes methods old and new to quantify the error in quasi-Monte Carlo estimates. An important challenge in this setting is that the goal of getting accuracy conflicts with that of estimating the attained accuracy. A related challenge is that rigorous uncertainty quantifications can be extremely conservative. A recent surprise is that some RQMC estimates have nearly symmetric distributions and that has the potential to allow confidence intervals that do not require either a central limit theorem or a consistent variance estimate.

Art B. Owen1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00467v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new approach for integrating score-based models with the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. While traditional score-based diffusion models excel in accurately learning the score function from data points, they lack an energy function, making the Metropolis-Hastings adjustment step inaccessible. Consequently, the unadjusted Langevin algorithm is often used for sampling using estimated score functions. The lack of an energy function then prevents the application of the Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm and other Metropolis-Hastings methods, limiting the wealth of other algorithms developed that use acceptance functions. We address this limitation by introducing a new loss function based on the \emph{detailed balance condition}, allowing the estimation of the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probabilities given a learned score function. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for various scenarios, including sampling from heavy-tail distributions.

Ahmed Aloui, Ali Hasan, Juncheng Dong, Zihao Wu, Vahid Tarokh1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00704v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Kolmogorov GAM (K-GAM) networks are shown to be an efficient architecture for training and inference. They are an additive model with an embedding that is independent of the function of interest. They provide an alternative to the transformer architecture. They are the machine learning version of Kolmogorov's Superposition Theorem (KST) which provides an efficient representations of a multivariate function. Such representations have use in machine learning for encoding dictionaries (a.k.a. "look-up" tables). KST theory also provides a representation based on translates of the K\"oppen function. The goal of our paper is to interpret this representation in a machine learning context for applications in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our architecture is equivalent to a topological embedding which is independent of the function together with an additive layer that uses a Generalized Additive Model (GAM). This provides a class of learning procedures with far fewer parameters than current deep learning algorithms. Implementation can be parallelizable which makes our algorithms computationally attractive. To illustrate our methodology, we use the Iris data from statistical learning. We also show that our additive model with non-linear embedding provides an alternative to transformer architectures which from a statistical viewpoint are kernel smoothers. Additive KAN models therefore provide a natural alternative to transformers. Finally, we conclude with directions for future research.

Sarah Polson, Vadim Sokolov1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00997v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: These lecture notes are intended to cover some introductory topics in stochastic simulation for scientific computing courses offered by the IT department at Uppsala University, as taught by the author. Basic concepts in probability theory are provided in the Appendix A, which you may review before starting the upcoming sections or refer to as needed throughout the text.

Davoud Mirzaei1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00015v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: (Pseudo)random sampling, a costly yet widely used method in (probabilistic) machine learning and Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms, remains unfeasible on a truly large scale due to unmet computational requirements. We introduce an energy-efficient algorithm for uniform Float16 sampling, utilizing a room-temperature stochastic magnetic tunnel junction device to generate truly random floating-point numbers. By avoiding expensive symbolic computation and mapping physical phenomena directly to the statistical properties of the floating-point format and uniform distribution, our approach achieves a higher level of energy efficiency than the state-of-the-art Mersenne-Twister algorithm by a minimum factor of 9721 and an improvement factor of 5649 compared to the more energy-efficient PCG algorithm. Building on this sampling technique and hardware framework, we decompose arbitrary distributions into many non-overlapping approximative uniform distributions along with convolution and prior-likelihood operations, which allows us to sample from any 1D distribution without closed-form solutions. We provide measurements of the potential accumulated approximation errors, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.

Nicolas Alder, Shivam Nitin Kajale, Milin Tunsiricharoengul, Deblina Sarkar, Ralf Herbrich1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.00565v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this article we provide a stochastic sampling algorithm with polynomial complexity in fixed dimension that leverages the recent advances on diffusion models where it is shown that under mild conditions, sampling can be achieved via an accurate estimation of intermediate scores across the marginals $(p_t)_{t\ge 0}$ of the standard Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process started at the density we wish to sample from. The heart of our method consists into approaching these scores via a computationally cheap estimator and relating the variance of this estimator to the smoothness properties of the forward process. Under the assumption that the density to sample from is $L$-log-smooth and that the forward process is semi-log-concave: $-\nabla^2 \log(p_t) \succeq -\beta I_d$ for some $\beta \geq 0$, we prove that our algorithm achieves an expected $\epsilon$ error in $\text{KL}$ divergence in $O(d^7L^{d+2}\epsilon^{-2(d+3)} (L+\beta)^2d^{2(d+1)})$ time. In particular, our result allows to fully transfer the problem of sampling from a log-smooth distribution into a regularity estimate problem. As an application, we derive an exponential complexity improvement for the problem of sampling from a $L$-log-smooth distribution that is $\alpha$-strongly log-concave distribution outside some ball of radius $R$: after proving that such distributions verify the semi-log-concavity assumption, a result which might be of independent interest, we recover a $poly(R,L,\alpha^{-1}, \epsilon^{-1})$ complexity in fixed dimension which exponentially improves upon the previously known $poly(e^{RL^2}, L,\alpha^{-1}, \log(\epsilon^{-1}))$ complexity in the low precision regime.

Adrien Vacher, Omar Chehab, Anna Korba1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01061v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: The nature of modern data is increasingly real-time, making outlier detection crucial in any data-related field, such as finance for fraud detection and healthcare for monitoring patient vitals. Traditional outlier detection methods, such as the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) algorithm, struggle with real-time data due to the need for extensive recalculations with each new data point, limiting their application in real-time environments. While the Incremental LOF (ILOF) algorithm has been developed to tackle the challenges of online anomaly detection, it remains computationally expensive when processing large streams of data points, and its detection performance may degrade after a certain threshold of points have streamed in. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to enhance the efficiency of LOF algorithms for online anomaly detection, named the Efficient Incremental LOF (EILOF) algorithm. The EILOF algorithm only computes the LOF scores of new points without altering the LOF scores of existing data points. Although exact LOF scores have not yet been computed for the existing points in the new algorithm, datasets often contain noise, and minor deviations in LOF score calculations do not necessarily degrade detection performance. In fact, such deviations can sometimes enhance outlier detection. We systematically tested this approach on both simulated and real-world datasets, demonstrating that EILOF outperforms ILOF as the volume of streaming data increases across various scenarios. The EILOF algorithm not only significantly reduces computational costs, but also systematically improves detection accuracy when the number of additional points increases compared to the ILOF algorithm.

Rui Hu (Zhilu), Luc (Zhilu), Chen, Yiwei Wang1/3/2025

arXiv:2501.01148v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of performing Bayesian inference for the parameters of a nonlinear multi-output model and the covariance matrix of the different output signals. We propose an adaptive importance sampling (AIS) scheme for multivariate Bayesian inversion problems, which is based in two main ideas: the variables of interest are split in two blocks and the inference takes advantage of known analytical optimization formulas. We estimate both the unknown parameters of the multivariate non-linear model and the covariance matrix of the noise. In the first part of the proposed inference scheme, a novel AIS technique called adaptive target adaptive importance sampling (ATAIS) is designed, which alternates iteratively between an IS technique over the parameters of the non-linear model and a frequentist approach for the covariance matrix of the noise. In the second part of the proposed inference scheme, a prior density over the covariance matrix is considered and the cloud of samples obtained by ATAIS are recycled and re-weighted to obtain a complete Bayesian study over the model parameters and covariance matrix. ATAIS is the main contribution of the work. Additionally, the inverted layered importance sampling (ILIS) is presented as a possible compelling algorithm (but based on a conceptually simpler idea). Different numerical examples show the benefits of the proposed approaches

E. Curbelo, L. Martino, F. Llorente, D. Delgado-Gomez1/3/2025

arXiv:2108.00490v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: This survey gives an overview of Monte Carlo methodologies using surrogate models, for dealing with densities which are intractable, costly, and/or noisy. This type of problem can be found in numerous real-world scenarios, including stochastic optimization and reinforcement learning, where each evaluation of a density function may incur some computationally-expensive or even physical (real-world activity) cost, likely to give different results each time. The surrogate model does not incur this cost, but there are important trade-offs and considerations involved in the choice and design of such methodologies. We classify the different methodologies into three main classes and describe specific instances of algorithms under a unified notation. A modular scheme which encompasses the considered methods is also presented. A range of application scenarios is discussed, with special attention to the likelihood-free setting and reinforcement learning. Several numerical comparisons are also provided.

F. Llorente, L. Martino, J. Read, D. Delgado1/3/2025

arXiv:2406.03242v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Reconstructing jets, which provide vital insights into the properties and histories of subatomic particles produced in high-energy collisions, is a main problem in data analyses in collider physics. This intricate task deals with estimating the latent structure of a jet (binary tree) and involves parameters such as particle energy, momentum, and types. While Bayesian methods offer a natural approach for handling uncertainty and leveraging prior knowledge, they face significant challenges due to the super-exponential growth of potential jet topologies as the number of observed particles increases. To address this, we introduce a Combinatorial Sequential Monte Carlo approach for inferring jet latent structures. As a second contribution, we leverage the resulting estimator to develop a variational inference algorithm for parameter learning. Building on this, we introduce a variational family using a pseudo-marginal framework for a fully Bayesian treatment of all variables, unifying the generative model with the inference process. We illustrate our method's effectiveness through experiments using data generated with a collider physics generative model, highlighting superior speed and accuracy across a range of tasks.

Hanming Yang, Antonio Khalil Moretti, Sebastian Macaluso, Philippe Chlenski, Christian A. Naesseth, Itsik Pe'er1/3/2025

arXiv:2310.10114v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: In the node classification task, it is natural to presume that densely connected nodes tend to exhibit similar attributes. Given this, it is crucial to first define what constitutes a dense connection and to develop a reliable mathematical tool for assessing node cohesiveness. In this paper, we propose a probability-based objective function for semi-supervised node classification that takes advantage of higher-order networks' capabilities. The proposed function reflects the philosophy aligned with the intuition behind classifying within higher order networks, as it is designed to reduce the likelihood of nodes interconnected through higher-order networks bearing different labels. Additionally, we propose the Stochastic Block Tensor Model (SBTM) as a graph generation model designed specifically to address a significant limitation of the traditional stochastic block model, which does not adequately represent the distribution of higher-order structures in real networks. We evaluate the objective function using networks generated by the SBTM, which include both balanced and imbalanced scenarios. Furthermore, we present an approach that integrates the objective function with graph neural network (GNN)-based semi-supervised node classification methodologies, aiming for additional performance gains. Our results demonstrate that in challenging classification scenarios--characterized by a low probability of homo-connections, a high probability of hetero-connections, and limited prior node information--models based on the higher-order network outperform pairwise interaction-based models. Furthermore, experimental results suggest that integrating our proposed objective function with existing GNN-based node classification approaches enhances classification performance by efficiently learning higher-order structures distributed in the network.

Eunho Koo, Tongseok Lim1/3/2025

arXiv:2412.17852v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In this paper, we present a high-performance, compact electrocardiogram (ECG)-based system for automatic classification of arrhythmias, integrating machine learning approaches to achieve robust cardiac diagnostics. Our method combines a compact artificial neural network with feature enhancement techniques, including mathematical transformations, signal analysis and data extraction algorithms, to capture both morphological and time-frequency features from ECG signals. A novel aspect of this work is the addition of 17 newly engineered features, which complement the algorithm's capability to extract significant data and physiological patterns from the ECG signal. This combination enables the classifier to detect multiple arrhythmia types, such as atrial fibrillation, sinus tachycardia, ventricular flutter, and other common arrhythmic disorders. The system achieves an accuracy of 97.36% on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, using a lower complexity compared to state-of-the-art models. This compact tool shows potential for clinical deployment, as well as adaptation for portable devices in long-term cardiac health monitoring applications.

Mateo Frausto-Avila, Jose Pablo Manriquez-Amavizca, Alfred U'Ren, Mario A. Quiroz-Juarez12/25/2024

arXiv:2412.18432v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Entropic optimal transport problems are regularized versions of optimal transport problems. These models play an increasingly important role in machine learning and generative modelling. For finite spaces, these problems are commonly solved using Sinkhorn algorithm (a.k.a. iterative proportional fitting procedure). However, in more general settings the Sinkhorn iterations are based on nonlinear conditional/conjugate transformations and exact finite-dimensional solutions cannot be computed. This article presents a finite-dimensional recursive formulation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure for general Gaussian multivariate models. As expected, this recursive formulation is closely related to the celebrated Kalman filter and related Riccati matrix difference equations, and it yields algorithms that can be implemented in practical settings without further approximations. We extend this filtering methodology to develop a refined and self-contained convergence analysis of Gaussian Sinkhorn algorithms, including closed form expressions of entropic transport maps and Schr\"odinger bridges.

O. Deniz Akyildiz, Pierre Del Moral, Joaqu\'in Miguez12/25/2024

arXiv:2412.16385v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Inspired by the Boltzmann kinetics, we propose a collision-based dynamics with a Monte Carlo solution algorithm that approximates the solution of the multi-marginal optimal transport problem via randomized pairwise swapping of sample indices. The computational complexity and memory usage of the proposed method scale linearly with the number of samples, making it highly attractive for high-dimensional settings. In several examples, we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method compared to the state-of-the-art methods.

Mohsen Sadr, Hossein Gorji12/24/2024

arXiv:2412.16416v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) is a powerful method for evaluating high-dimensional integrals. However, its use is typically limited to distributions where direct sampling is straightforward, such as the uniform distribution on the unit hypercube or the Gaussian distribution. For general target distributions with potentially unnormalized densities, leveraging the low-discrepancy property of QMC to improve accuracy remains challenging. We propose training a transport map to push forward the uniform distribution on the unit hypercube to approximate the target distribution. Inspired by normalizing flows, the transport map is constructed as a composition of simple, invertible transformations. To ensure that RQMC achieves its superior error rate, the transport map must satisfy specific regularity conditions. We introduce a flexible parametrization for the transport map that not only meets these conditions but is also expressive enough to model complex distributions. Our theoretical analysis establishes that the proposed transport QMC estimator achieves faster convergence rates than standard Monte Carlo, under mild and easily verifiable growth conditions on the integrand. Numerical experiments confirm the theoretical results, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method in Bayesian inference tasks.

Sifan Liu12/24/2024

arXiv:2412.17136v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Recent advances in MCMC use normalizing flows to precondition target distributions and enable jumps to distant regions. However, there is currently no systematic comparison of different normalizing flow architectures for MCMC. As such, many works choose simple flow architectures that are readily available and do not consider other models. Guidelines for choosing an appropriate architecture would reduce analysis time for practitioners and motivate researchers to take the recommended models as foundations to be improved. We provide the first such guideline by extensively evaluating many normalizing flow architectures on various flow-based MCMC methods and target distributions. When the target density gradient is available, we show that flow-based MCMC outperforms classic MCMC for suitable NF architecture choices with minor hyperparameter tuning. When the gradient is unavailable, flow-based MCMC wins with off-the-shelf architectures. We find contractive residual flows to be the best general-purpose models with relatively low sensitivity to hyperparameter choice. We also provide various insights into normalizing flow behavior within MCMC when varying their hyperparameters, properties of target distributions, and the overall computational budget.

David Nabergoj, Erik \v{S}trumbelj12/24/2024

arXiv:2410.20978v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Machine learning models used in medical applications often face challenges due to the covariate shift, which occurs when there are discrepancies between the distributions of training and target data. This can lead to decreased predictive accuracy, especially with unknown outcomes in the target data. This paper introduces a semi-supervised classification and regression tree (CART) that uses importance weighting to address these distribution discrepancies. Our method improves the predictive performance of the CART model by assigning greater weights to training samples that more accurately represent the target distribution, especially in cases of covariate shift without target outcomes. In addition to CART, we extend this weighted approach to generalized linear model trees and tree ensembles, creating a versatile framework for managing the covariate shift in complex datasets. Through simulation studies and applications to real-world medical data, we demonstrate significant improvements in predictive accuracy. These findings suggest that our weighted approach can enhance reliability in medical applications and other fields where the covariate shift poses challenges to model performance across various data distributions.

Mingyang Cai, Thomas Klausch, Mark A. van de Wiel12/24/2024

arXiv:2306.10430v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We present variational sequential optimal experimental design (vsOED), a novel method for optimally designing a finite sequence of experiments within a Bayesian framework with information-theoretic criteria. vsOED employs a one-point reward formulation with variational posterior approximations, providing a provable lower bound to the expected information gain. Numerical methods are developed following an actor-critic reinforcement learning approach, including derivation and estimation of variational and policy gradients to optimize the design policy, and posterior approximation using Gaussian mixture models and normalizing flows. vsOED accommodates nuisance parameters, implicit likelihoods, and multiple candidate models, while supporting flexible design criteria that can target designs for model discrimination, parameter inference, goal-oriented prediction, and their weighted combinations. We demonstrate vsOED across various engineering and science applications, illustrating its superior sample efficiency compared to existing sequential experimental design algorithms.

Wanggang Shen, Jiayuan Dong, Xun Huan12/24/2024