59 postsarXiv:2501.00501v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this article, the disjunction-free fragment of Ja\'skowski's discussive logic D2 in the language of classical logic is shown to be complete with respect to three- and four-valued semantics. As a byproduct, a rather simple axiomatization of the disjunction-free fragment of D2 is obtained. Some implications of this result are also discussed.
arXiv:2501.00541v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The control of Biomedical Systems in Physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI) plays a pivotal role in achieving the desired behavior by ensuring the intended transfer function and stability of subsystems within the overall system. Traditionally, the control aspects of biomedical systems have been analyzed using manual proofs and computer based analysis tools. However, these approaches provide inaccurate results due to human error in manual proofs and unverified algorithms and round-off errors in computer-based tools. We argue using Interactive reasoning, or frequently called theorem proving, to analyze control systems of biomedical engineering applications, specifically in the context of Physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI). Our methodology involves constructing mathematical models of the control components using Higher-order Logic (HOL) and analyzing them through deductive reasoning in the HOL Light theorem prover. We propose to model these control systems in terms of their block diagram representations, which in turn utilize the corresponding differential equations and their transfer function-based representation using the Laplace Transform (LT). These formally represented block diagrams are then analyzed through logical reasoning in the trusted environment of a theorem prover to ensure the correctness of the results. For illustration, we present a real-world case study by analyzing the control system of the ultrafilteration dialysis process.
arXiv:2501.00364v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Reward machines (RMs) are an effective approach for addressing non-Markovian rewards in reinforcement learning (RL) through finite-state machines. Traditional RMs, which label edges with propositional logic formulae, inherit the limited expressivity of propositional logic. This limitation hinders the learnability and transferability of RMs since complex tasks will require numerous states and edges. To overcome these challenges, we propose First-Order Reward Machines ($\texttt{FORM}$s), which use first-order logic to label edges, resulting in more compact and transferable RMs. We introduce a novel method for $\textbf{learning}$ $\texttt{FORM}$s and a multi-agent formulation for $\textbf{exploiting}$ them and facilitate their transferability, where multiple agents collaboratively learn policies for a shared $\texttt{FORM}$. Our experimental results demonstrate the scalability of $\texttt{FORM}$s with respect to traditional RMs. Specifically, we show that $\texttt{FORM}$s can be effectively learnt for tasks where traditional RM learning approaches fail. We also show significant improvements in learning speed and task transferability thanks to the multi-agent learning framework and the abstraction provided by the first-order language.
arXiv:2501.00451v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We demonstrate that techniques of Weihrauch complexity can be used to get easy and elegant proofs of known and new results on initial value problems. Our main result is that solving continuous initial value problems is Weihrauch equivalent to weak K\H{o}nig's lemma, even if only solutions with maximal domains of existence are considered. This result simultaneously generalizes negative and positive results by Aberth and by Collins and Gra\c{c}a, respectively. It can also be seen as a uniform version of a Theorem of Simpson. Beyond known techniques we exploit for the proof that weak K\H{o}nig's lemma is closed under infinite loops. One corollary of our main result is that solutions with maximal domain of existence of continuous initial value problems can be computed non-deterministically, and for computable instances there are always solutions that are low as points in the function space. Another corollary is that in the case that there is a fixed finite number of solutions, these solutions are all computable for computable instances and they can be found uniformly in a finite mind-change computation.
arXiv:2501.00481v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The method K\"urbis used to formalise definite descriptions with a binary quantifier I, such that I$x[F,G]$ indicates `the F is G', is examined and improved upon in this work. K\"urbis first looked at I in intuitionistic logic and its negative free form. It is well-known that intuitionistic reasoning approaches truth constructively. We also want to approach falsehood constructively, in Nelson's footsteps. Within the context of Nelson's paraconsistent logic N4 and its negative free variant, we examine I. We offer an embedding function from Nelson's (free) logic into intuitionistic (free) logic, as well as a natural deduction system for Nelson's (free) logic supplied with I and Kripke style semantics for it. Our method not only yields constructive falsehood, but also provides an alternate resolution to an issue pertaining to Russell's interpretation of definite descriptions. This comprehension might result in paradoxes. Free logic, which is often used to solve this issue, is insufficiently powerful to produce contradictions. Instead, we employ paraconsistent logic, which is made to function in the presence of contradicting data without devaluing the process of reasoning.
arXiv:2501.00483v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Two Gentzen-style twist sequent calculi for the normal modal logic S4 are introduced and investigated. The proposed calculi, which do not employ the standard logical inference rules for the negation connective, are characterized by several twist logical inference rules for negated logical connectives. Using these calculi, short proofs can be generated for provable negated modal formulas that contain numerous negation connectives. The cut-elimination theorems for the calculi are proved, and the subformula properties for the calculi are also obtained. Additionally, Gentzen-style twist (hyper)sequent calculi for other normal modal logics including S5 are considered.
arXiv:2501.00484v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Quantum logic (QL) is a non-classical logic for analyzing the propositions of quantum physics. Modal logic MB, which is a logic that handles the value of the inner product that appears in quantum mechanics, was constructed with the development of QL. Although the basic properties of this logic have already been analyzed in a previous study, some essential parts still need to be completed. They are concerned with the completeness theorem and the decidability of the validity problem of this logic. This study solves those problems by constructing a nested-sequent calculus for MB. In addition, new logic MB+ with the addition of new modal symbols is discussed.
arXiv:2501.00485v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Formal reasoning with non-denoting terms, esp. non-referring descriptions such as "the King of France", is still an under-investigated area. The recent exception being a series of papers e.g. by Indrzejczak, Zawidzki and K\"rbis. The present paper offers an alternative to their approach since instead of free logic and sequent calculus, it's framed in partial type theory with natural deduction in sequent style. Using a Montague- and Tich\'y-style formalization of natural language, the paper successfully handles deduction with intensional transitives whose complements are non-referring descriptions, and derives Strawsonian rules for existential presuppositions of sentences with such descriptions.
arXiv:2501.00486v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we prove the semantic incompleteness of the Hilbert-style system for the minimal normal term-modal logic with equality and non-rigid terms that was proposed in Liberman et al. (2020) "Dynamic Term-modal Logics for First-order Epistemic Planning." Term-modal logic is a family of first-order modal logics having term-modal operators indexed with terms in the first-order language. While some first-order formula is valid over the class of all frames in the Kripke semantics for the term-modal logic proposed there, it is not derivable in Liberman et al. (2020)'s Hilbert-style system. We show this fact by introducing a non-standard Kripke semantics which makes the meanings of constants and function symbols relative to the meanings of relation symbols combined with them.
arXiv:2501.00487v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The cut-elimination procedure for the provability logic is known to be problematic: a L\"ob-like rule keeps cut-formulae intact on reduction, even in the principal case, thereby complicating the proof of termination. In this paper, we present a syntactic cut-elimination proof based on nested sequents, a generalization of sequents that allows a sequent to contain other sequents as single elements. A similar calculus was developed by Poggiolesi (2009), but there are certain ambiguities in the proof. Adopting the idea of Kushida (2020) into nested sequents, our proof does not require an extra measure on cuts or error-prone, intricate rewriting on derivations, but only straightforward inductions, thus leading to less ambiguity and confusion.
arXiv:2501.00488v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: According to Russell, strict uses of the definite article 'the' in a definite description 'the F' involve uniqueness; in case there is more than one F, 'the F' is used somewhat loosely, and an indefinite description 'an F' should be preferred. We give an account of constructions of the form 'the F is G' in which the definite article is used loosely (and in which 'the F' is, therefore, incomplete), essentially by replacing the usual notion of identity in Russell's uniqueness clause with the notion of qualified identity, i.e., 'a is the same as b in all Q-respects', where Q is a subset of the set of predicates P. This modification gives us qualified notions of uniqueness and definiteness. A qualified definiteness statement 'the Q-unique F is G' is strict in case Q = P and loose in case Q is a proper subset of P. The account is made formally precise in terms of proof theory and proof-theoretic semantics.
arXiv:2501.00489v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: We combine the concepts of modal logics and many-valued logics in a general and comprehensive way. Namely, given any finite linearly ordered set of truth values and any set of propositional connectives defined by truth tables, we define the many-valued minimal normal modal logic, presented as a Gentzen-like sequent calculus, and prove its soundness and strong completeness with respect to many-valued Kripke models. The logic treats necessitation and possibility independently, i.e., they are not defined by each other, so that the duality between them is reflected in the proof system itself. We also prove the finite model property (that implies strong decidability) of this logic and consider some of its extensions. Moreover, we show that there is exactly one way to define negation such that De Morgan's duality between necessitation and possibility holds. In addition, we embed many-valued intuitionistic logic into one of the extensions of our many-valued modal logic.
arXiv:2501.00492v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this short paper we will discuss the similarities and differences between two semantic approaches to modal logics - non-deterministic semantics and restricted non-deterministic semantics. Generally speaking, both kinds of semantics are similar in the sense that they employ non-deterministic matrices as a starting point but differ significantly in the way extensions of the minimal modal logic M are constructed. Both kinds of semantics are many-valued and truth-values are typically expressed in terms of tuples of 0s and 1s, where each dimension of the tuple represents either truth/falsity, possibility/non-possibility, necessity/non-necessity etc. And while non-deterministic semantics for modal logic offers an intuitive interpretation of the truth-values and the concept of modality, with restricted non-deterministic semantics are more general in terms of providing extensions of M, including normal ones, in an uniform way. On the example of three modal logics, MK, MKT and MKT4, we will show the differences and similarities of those two approaches. Additionally, we will briefly discuss (current) restrictions of both approaches.
arXiv:2501.00493v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The Nonassociative Lambek Calculus (NL) represents a logic devoid of the structural rules of exchange, weakening, and contraction, and it does not presume the associativity of its connectives. Its finitary consequence relation is decidable in polynomial time. However, the addition of classical connectives conjunction and disjunction (FNL) makes the consequence relation undecidable. Interestingly, if these connectives are distributive, the consequence relation is decidable in exponential time. This paper provides the proof that we can merge classical logic and NL (i.e. BFNL), and still the consequence relation is decidable in exponential time.
arXiv:2501.00494v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: A unified Gentzen-style framework for until-free propositional linear-time temporal logic is introduced. The proposed framework, based on infinitary rules and rules for primitive negation, can handle uniformly both a single-succedent sequent calculus and a natural deduction system. Furthermore, an equivalence between these systems, alongside with proofs of cut-elimination and normalization theorems, is established.
arXiv:2501.00495v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: It is not uncommon for a logic to be invented multiple times, hinting at its robustness. This trend is followed also by the expansion BD+ of Belnap-Dunn logic by Boolean negation. Ending up in the same logic, however, does not mean that the semantic interpretations are always the same as well. In particular, different interpretations can bring us to different logics, once the basic setting is moved from a classical one to an intuitionistic one. For BD+, two such paths seem to have been taken; one (BDi) by N. Kamide along the so-called American plan, and another (HYPE) by G. Moisil and H. Leitgeb along the so-called Australian plan. The aim of this paper is to better understand this divergence. This task is approached mainly by (i) formulating a semantics for first-order BD+ that provides an Australian view of the system; (ii) showing connections of the less explored (first-order) BDi with neighbouring systems, including an intermediate logic and variants of Nelson's logics.
arXiv:2501.00498v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Gentzen-style sequent calculi and Gentzen-style natural deduction systems are introduced for a family (C-family) of connexive logics over Wansing's basic connexive logic C. The C-family is derived from C by incorporating the Peirce law, the law of excluded middle, and the generalized law of excluded middle. Theorems establishing equivalence between the proposed sequent calculi and natural deduction systems are demonstrated. Cut-elimination and normalization theorems are established for the proposed sequent calculi and natural deduction systems, respectively.
arXiv:2501.00499v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we elaborate on the ordered-pair semantics originally presented by Matthew Clemens for LP (Priest's Logic of Paradox). For this purpose, we build on a generalization of Clemens semantics to the case of n-tuple semantics, for every n. More concretely, i) we deal with the case of a language with quantifiers, and ii) we consider philosophical implications of the semantics. The latter includes, first, a reading of the semantics in epistemic terms, involving multiple agents. Furthermore, we discuss the proper understanding of many-valued logics, namely LP and K3 (Kleene strong 3-valued logic), from the perspective of classical logic, along the lines suggested by Susan Haack. We will also discuss some applications of the semantics to issues related to informative contradictions, i.e. contradictions involving quantification over different respects a vague predicate may have, as advanced by Paul \'Egr\'e, and also to the mixed consequence relations, promoted by Pablo Cobreros, Paul \'Egr\'e, David Ripley and Robert van Rooij.
arXiv:2501.00500v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The present article examines a system of four-valued logic recently introduced by Oleg Grigoriev and Dmitry Zaitsev. In particular, besides other interesting results, we will clarify the connection of this system to related systems developed by Paul Ruet and Norihiro Kamide. By doing so, we discuss two philosophical problems that arise from making such connections quite explicit: first, there is an issue with how to make intelligible the meaning of the connectives and the nature of the truth values involved in the many-valued setting employed -- what we have called `the Haackian theme'. We argue that this can be done in a satisfactory way, when seen according to the classicist's light. Second, and related to the first problem, there is a complication arising from the fact that the proof system advanced may be made sense of by advancing at least four such different and incompatible readings -- a sharpening of the so-called `Carnap problem'. We make explicit how the problems connect with each other precisely and argue that what results is a kind of underdetermination by the deductive apparatus for the system.
arXiv:2501.00496v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: This work studies the proof theory of left (right) skew monoidal closed categories and skew monoidal bi-closed categories from the perspective of non-associative Lambek calculus. Skew monoidal closed categories represent a relaxed version of monoidal closed categories, where the structural laws are not invertible; instead, they are natural transformations with a specific orientation. Uustalu et al. used sequents with stoup (the leftmost position of an antecedent that can be either empty or a single formula) to deductively model left skew monoidal closed categories, yielding results regarding proof identities and categorical coherence. However, their syntax does not work well when modeling right skew monoidal closed and skew monoidal bi-closed categories. We solve the problem by constructing cut-free sequent calculi for left skew monoidal closed and skew monoidal bi-closed categories, reminiscent of non-associative Lambek calculus, with trees as antecedents. Each calculus is respectively equivalent to the sequent calculus with stoup (for left skew monoidal categories) and the axiomatic calculus (for skew monoidal bi-closed categories). Moreover, we prove that the latter calculus is sound and complete with respect to its relational models. We also prove a correspondence between frame conditions and structural laws, providing an algebraic way to understand the relationship between the left and right skew monoidal (closed) categories.