6 postsarXiv:2501.10607v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Given $N$ geodesic caps on the normalized unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^d$, and whose total surface area sums to one, what is the maximal surface area their union can cover? We show that when these caps have equal surface area, as both the dimension $d$ and the number of caps $N$ tend to infinity, the maximum proportion covered approaches $1 - e^{-1} \approx 0.632$. Furthermore, this maximum is achieved by a random partial sphere covering. Our result refines a classical estimate for the covering density of $\mathbb{R}^d$ by Erd\H{o}s, Few, and Rogers (Mathematika, 11(2):171--184, 1964).
arXiv:2411.13887v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We introduce, for the first time, a cohomology-based Gromov-Hausdorff ultrametric method to analyze 1-dimensional and higher-dimensional (co)homology groups, focusing on loops, voids, and higher-dimensional cavity structures in simplicial complexes, to address typical clustering questions arising in molecular data analysis. The Gromov-Hausdorff distance quantifies the dissimilarity between two metric spaces. In this framework, molecules are represented as simplicial complexes, and their cohomology vector spaces are computed to capture intrinsic topological invariants encoding loop and cavity structures. These vector spaces are equipped with a suitable distance measure, enabling the computation of the Gromov-Hausdorff ultrametric to evaluate structural dissimilarities. We demonstrate the methodology using organic-inorganic halide perovskite (OIHP) structures. The results highlight the effectiveness of this approach in clustering various molecular structures. By incorporating geometric information, our method provides deeper insights compared to traditional persistent homology techniques.
arXiv:2412.17138v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: In this paper, we contribute a proof that minimum radius balls over metric spaces with the Heine-Borel property are always LP type. Additionally, we prove that weak metric spaces, those without symmetry, also have this property if we fix the direction in which we take their distances from the centers of the balls. We use this to prove that the minimum radius ball problem is LP type in the Hilbert and Thompson metrics and Funk weak metric. In doing so, we contribute a proof that the topology induced by the Thompson metric coincides with the Hilbert. We provide explicit primitives for computing the minimum radius ball in the Hilbert metric.
arXiv:2412.16448v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We show a lower bound for the universal traveling salesman heuristic on the plane: for any linear order on the unit square $[0,1]^2$, there are finite subsets $S \subset [0,1]^2$ of arbitrarily large size such that the path visiting each element of $S$ according to the linear order has length $\geq C \sqrt{\log |S| / \log \log |S|}$ times the length of the shortest path visiting each element in $S$. ($C>0$ is a constant that depends only on the linear order.) This improves the previous lower bound $\geq C \sqrt[6]{\log |S| / \log \log |S|}$ of [HKL06]. The proof establishes a dichotomy about any long walk on a cycle: the walk either zig-zags between two far away points, or else for a large amount of time it stays inside a set of small diameter.
arXiv:2412.16775v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: We study evolution equations on metric graphs with reservoirs, that is graphs where a one-dimensional interval is associated to each edge and, in addition, the vertices are able to store and exchange mass with these intervals. Focusing on the case where the dynamics are driven by an entropy functional defined both on the metric edges and vertices, we provide a rigorous understanding of such systems of coupled ordinary and partial differential equations as (generalized) gradient flows in continuity equation format. Approximating the edges by a sequence of vertices, which yields a fully discrete system, we are able to establish existence of solutions in this formalism. Furthermore, we study several scaling limits using the recently developed framework of EDP convergence with embeddings to rigorously show convergence to gradient flows on reduced metric and combinatorial graphs. Finally, numerical studies confirm our theoretical findings and provide additional insights into the dynamics under rescaling.
arXiv:2412.17382v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Recently, two extraordinary results on aperiodic monotiles have been obtained in two different settings. One is a family of aperiodic monotiles in the plane discovered by Smith, Myers, Kaplan and Goodman-Strauss in 2023, where rotation is allowed, breaking the 50-year-old record (aperiodic sets of two tiles found by Roger Penrose in the 1970s) on the minimum size of aperiodic sets in the plane. The other is the existence of an aperiodic monotile in the translational tiling of $\mathbb{Z}^n$ for some huge dimension $n$ proved by Greenfeld and Tao. This disproves the long-standing periodic tiling conjecture. However, it is known that there is no aperiodic monotile for translational tiling of the plane. The smallest size of known aperiodic sets for translational tilings of the plane is $8$, which was discovered more than $30$ years ago by Ammann. In this paper, we prove that translational tiling of the plane with a set of $7$ polyominoes is undecidable. As a consequence of the undecidability, we have constructed a family of aperiodic sets of size $7$ for the translational tiling of the plane. This breaks the 30-year-old record of Ammann.