46 postsLinkedIn is always working hard to make sure that its platform is a safe and trusted place for its members. We've been on a journey to strengthen our platform against abuse by continuously improving our account restriction systems. This helps us ensure that our policies are followed and that our community can keep growing. In a previous blog post, we talked about how we built our anti-abuse platform using CASAL. This powerful system is our first line of defense against bad actors and adversarial attacks. In this blog post, we'll go deeper into how we manage account restrictions. […]
At LinkedIn, trust is the cornerstone for building meaningful connections and professional relationships. Our members rely on us to create an environment on our platform where they can safely learn and grow in their careers. As part of this responsibility, we are constantly looking for innovative ways to prevent policy-violating behavior such as harassment, spamming, fake accounts, and other activities that undermine the positive and respectful interactions our community strives to uphold. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, machine learning algorithms, and a dedicated team, we […]
Co-authors: Arjun Mohnot, Jenchang Ho, Anthony Quigley, Xing Lin, Anil Alluri, Michael Kuchenbecker LinkedIn operates one of the world’s largest Apache Hadoop big data clusters. These clusters are the backbone for storing and processing extensive data volumes, empowering us to deliver essential features and services to members, such as personalized recommendations, enhanced search functionality, and valuable insights. Historically, deploying code changes to Hadoop big data clusters has been complex. As workloads and clusters grow, operational overhead becomes even more challenging, […]
Co-Authors: Shweta Patira, Ankan Saha, Yilin Li, and Manas Somaiya Earlier this year, we launched Collaborative Articles with the vision of making LinkedIn the one-stop destination for all work-related questions. Among our 1 billion members, there are seasoned experts who have encountered every conceivable workplace problem. If we could present their thoughts on LinkedIn, then mentors, experts, and coaches would be right at our members' fingertips. So we set off to make that happen. Rather than following the traditional Q&A path for gathering perspectives, we embarked on a slightly […]