3 postsFrom Seattle, Washington, to Cape Town, South Africa — and everywhere around and between — AI is helping conserve the wild plants and animals that make up the intricate web of life on Earth. It’s critical work that sustains ecosystems and supports biodiversity at a time when the United Nations estimates over 1 million species Read Article
More than 90 million new vehicles are introduced to roads across the globe every year, leading to an annual 12% increase in traffic congestion — according to NoTraffic, a member of the NVIDIA Inception program for cutting-edge startups and the NVIDIA Metropolis vision AI ecosystem. Still, 99% of the world’s traffic signals run on fixed Read Article
NVIDIA Cosmos, a platform for accelerating physical AI development, introduces a family of world foundation models — neural networks that can predict and generate physics-aware videos of the future state of a virtual environment — to help developers build next-generation robots and autonomous vehicles (AVs). World foundation models, or WFMs, are as fundamental as large Read Article