
3 posts

This is our story of what we learned about the connect() implementation for TCP in Linux. Both its strong and weak points. How connect() latency changes under pressure, and how to open connection so that the syscall latency is deterministic and time-bound

Frederick Lawler http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/frederick/2/8/2024

In the last decade, IPv6 adoption on the client side went from under 1% to somewhere in the high 30 to low 40 percent, depending on who’s reporting, but there’s also the other end of the equation: the server side

Carlos Rodrigues http://blog.cloudflare.com/author/carlos-rodrigues/12/14/2023

In this blog, we’ll explain a little bit more about the technology involved, but most importantly, give you a step-by-step walkthrough of how Cloudflare can help you eliminate the need to pay Amazon for something that they shouldn’t be charging you for in the first place

Anie Jacob9/26/2023